The prophet of the Restoration.
Who is Joseph Smith?
The current President of the Church.
Who is Russel M. Nelson?
Where Joseph Smith found the gold plates
What is the Hill Cumorah?
The first prophet mentioned in the Bible
Who is Adam?
The age requirement to be ordained to the office of a deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood
What is 11?
The year the church was officially organized.
What happened in 1830?
The Prophet who served the longest.
Who is Brigham Young?
The prophet who had a dream about the Tree of Life.
Who is Lehi?
The first book of the Old Testament
What is Genesis?
One of the duties of a deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood
What is passing the sacrament?
The being that appeared to Joseph Smith three times
Who is the Angel Moroni?
The apostle who dedicated the Layton Utah Temple
Who is Elder Bednar?
What is the name of the first book in the Book of Mormon?
First Nephi
One of the Ten Commandments.
Examples: "Thou shalt not steal" "Honor thy father and thy mother
The three offices of the Aaronic Priesthood
What is Deacon, Teacher, and Priest?
Name one of the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon.
Who is Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, or David Whitmer?
The Prophet of the church when the Family Proclaimation was issued.
Who is Gordon B. Hinckley?
The final book in the Book of Mormon
What is the Book of Moroni?
Prophet who built the ark and survived the Great Flood.
Who is Noah?
He restored the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith.
Who is John the Baptist?
Where the first temple of the LDS Church was built
Where is Kirtland, Ohio?
This prophet is fluent in Mandarin Chinese
Who is Russell M. Nelson?
The name of the land where Jesus visited the Nephites.
Where is the Land Bountiful?
The first leader of the church after Jesus was resurrected.
Who is Peter?
The person who holds all of the keys of the priesthood.
Who is Jesus Christ?