Algonquin Park
Jurassic Park
Park Words and Phrases
Name Variations of Park
Parks and Playgrounds

This large lake located off highway 60 in Algonquin Park, with two ways to enter by canoe.

What is Lake of Two Rivers?


The era of the dinosaurs consisted of these three time periods.

What are the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods?


This notice of infraction on your vehicle's windshield.

What is a parking ticket?


This twin who lived on a Vineyard with her father in this film about two sisters who meet for the first time at summer camp.

Who is Hallie Parker?


When two children sit on this playground toy they take turns pushing themselves up, while at the same time sending the other down.

What is a teeter totter?


This tiny mammal found throughout Algonquin Park and the rest of North America known for burrowing, and for its talent of holding many nuts at once.

What is a chipmunk?


These siblings, one of whom was a vegetarian, were attacked by a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the 1993 film from the original trilogy.

Who were Lex and Timmy?


At this place you'll find funnel cakes and roller coasters.

What is an amusement park?


This black woman who helped initiate the civil rights movement when she refused to give up her seat on the bus.

Who was Rosa Parks?


This was the longest time spent on a swing, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, and the record was set in New Zealand.

What is 32 hours?


This industry that began in Algonquin Park around 1830 and is now managed by the AFA or Algonquin Forestry Authority.

What is logging?


This type of dinosaur was known to be nurturing of their young, with a name that means, "good mother lizard".

What is Maiasaura?


The act of pulling up beside another vehicle while driving, switching into reverse, and backing into a spot behind the car that was beside you is known as this.

What is parallel parking?


Knocking down all the pins with one ball at this place near our home will get you a strike.

What is Parkway Lanes?


The name of these two indoor playgrounds found near our home.

What are Zippy Zooms and Cheeky Monkey's?


Algonquin Park was established in this year, not to stop logging but to establish a wildlife sanctuary.

What was 1893?


This giant, carnivorous aquatic lizard from the Cretaceous period who ate more than just the great white shark they fed him in one of the latest "Jurassic" movies.

What is Mosasaurus?


We light these sticks around holidays, and if we move them fast enough we can create a circle from thin air.

What are sparklers?


The name is this disease where involuntary shaking or tremors is a defining symptom.

What is Parkinson's Disease?


This park contains four separate theme parks and is located in Orlando.

What is Walt Disney World?


In the native language, this word means, "At the place of spearing fishes and eels", and is also the name of the indigenous people themselves.

What is Algonquin?


This four letter plant found on much of the ground in the Jurassic period.

What are ferns?


A long coat winter coat that covers your bottom.

What is a parka?


The name of this large park in the center of New York City.

What is Central Park?


When camping, you may visit one of these to park your camping vehicle while you stay.

What is a trailer park?