Name a profession that involves getting wet.
- Diver/swimmer
- Lifeguard
- Firefighter
- Plumber
- Fisherman
What is a popular pizza topping?
- Pepperoni
- Sausage/Ham
- Green peppers
- Onion
- Mushroom
Name an animal that starts with the letter "E."
- Emu
- Elephant
- Eagle
- Earthworm
Give me a phrase that starts with the word 'happy'.
- Happy Birthday
- Happy Days
- Happy New Year
- Happy-go-lucky
- Happy Holidays
Name something people dye a different color.
- Eggs
- Hair
- Shoes
- Shirt
What is a common fear that many people have?
- Heights
- Spiders/Snakes
- Public speaking
- Flying
Name useful body parts that begins with the letter "L."
- Legs
- Lips
- Lungs
- Liver
Name an animal that has scales.
- Fish
- Snake
- Alligator
- Lizard
Besides a car, name something with wheels that's kept in a garage.
- Bike
- Lawn Mower
- Motorcycle
- Wheelbarrow
Name a food that is commonly deep-fried.
- Chicken
- Potatoes/fries
- Seafood
- Eggplant
Name a household chore that nobody likes to do.
- Cleaning the bathroom
- Washing dishes
- Vacuuming
- Doing laundry
Name something you might eat with crackers.
- Soup
- Cheese
- Peanut Butter
- Chili
- Sliced meats
Name something you do that rhymes with "grow up."
- Throw up
- Show up
- Blow up
- Slow up
Give me a word that rhymes with "hustle."
- Bustle
- Muscle
- Rustle
- Tussle
Name a word that rhymes with “election.”
- Selection
- Erection
- Perfection
- Detection
- Protection
- Rejection
- Collection
- Section
Name an occupation that begins with the letter "J."
- Janitor
- Judge/Justice
- Jeweler
- Journalist
- Juggler
Name an activity that's easier to do when it's windy.
- Fly a Kite
- Sail
- Surf
- Air Dry Clothes
Name something that has the word "super" in it.
- Superman
- Super Bowl
- Supermarket
- Super glue
- Superintendent
- Supersize
- Superstar
Name something that runs but doesn't have legs.
- Car
- Water
- Fridge
- Clock
- Nose
Name an animal that doesn't have a leg to stand on.
- Snake
- Fish/shark/eel
- Whale
- Seal/sea lion
- Dolphin/porpoise
- Snail/slug
- Worm
Name a word a dog understands.
- Sit
- Come
- Walk
- Food
- Their name
- Stay
- Fetch
- Treat
Name something that might be brewing.
- Coffee
- Beer
- Tea
- Trouble
- A Storm
- A Plot
Name a US city where lots of rich people live.
- LA/Beverly Hills
- New York
- Miami
- Las Vegas
- Palm Beach
- Philadelphia
- San Francisco
Name a kind of hoop.
- Hula-Hoop
- Basketball hoop
- Earring hoop
- Embroidery hoop
Give me a phrase that starts with the words, "Off the..."
- Off the wall
- Off the hook
- Off the cuff
- Off the record
- Off the chart
- Off the deep end
- Off the rack
- Off the top of your head