Chair 1
Chair 2
Chair 3
Chair 4

What are three methods that the chair could use to take a vote on a motion?

Voice, Rising, Ballot, Show of Hands, Roll Call, Standing counted vote


Name two instances when a vote is taken for a Point of Order.

The chair is in doubt or The chairs ruling on a Point of Order is appealed to


Name three debatable subsidiary motions that take precedence over Postpone Indefinitely.

Amend, Commit or Refer and Postpone Definitely


Who is a Parliamentary Inquiry directed to?

The presiding officer or chairman


A Parliamentary Inquiry is a question designed to obtain information in two different areas. Name them.

Parliamentary Law and Rules of the Organization


Who normally makes the ruling on a Point of Order?

The chair


Name one subsidiary motion that can be applied to a Division of the Assembly.

Under what circumstances can the chair take a vote by a Division of the Assembly?

No subsidiary motions can be applied to it.

If the chair determines that the vote results are uncertain or the vote is unrepresentative.


What is the purpose of a Main Motion?

To bring business before the assembly.


Name one undebatable, subsidiary motion that the motion to Amend can be applied to.

Limit or Extend Limits of Debate


What class of motions does Division of the Assembly belong to?



How long should the chair allow a member to speak on a motion at a regular meeting?

10 minutes each time the member speaks


if the motion to postpone indefinitely is pending and the main motion is laid on the table, what happens to the motion to PI

The motion to PI is also carried to the table


1. a postponed question becomes an order of the day for the time to which it is postponed. name two kinds of orders of the day

2. which of the two has precedence over the other

general orders and special orders

special orders


What is the effect of the motion to postpone indefinitely on the pending question

it suppresses the pending question throughout the current session


Can a chairman who notices a breach in the rules call a Point of Order?



1. name the two types of ordinary committees

2. what are two other names used for special committees

standing committees and special committees

2. select committee and ad hoc committee


is the motion to limit or extend limits of debate out of order when another member has the floor



1. Name two privileged motion that the motion previous question can be applied to 

2. can is be applied to a main motion

fix the time to which to adjourn and recess



is the previous question allowed in committees



if the subsidiary motion to lay on the table is made and there is no urgent business, what ruling would the chair make

the motion would be ruled out of order


The presiding officer can be addressed by several titles at a regular meeting. Name three of them.

Chairman, Chair, Chairperson, President


Name three forms of wording used to make the motion Point of Order.

1. “Point of order!”

2. “I rise to a point of order.”

3. “I call the member to order.” [Applying to indecorum]


If a motion is postponed to the next meeting in the qualified form, where would it appear on the order of business?

Special Orders


what is the only motion an objection to the consideration of a question can be applied to

original main motions

what vote is required to adopt an objection to the consideration of the question

two thirds vote against consideration