
Name three motions that may be made in the absence of a quorum?

1. Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn.

2. Adjourn.

3. Recess.

4. Motions to take measures to obtain a quorum.


Name three items that an Objection to the

Consideration of the Question can be applied to.

1. Original Main Motions.

2. Petitions not from a superior body.

3. Communications not from a superior body.


Name three unamendable privileged motions that

take precedence over a Main Motion

1. Adjourn.

2. Raise a Question of Privilege.

3. Call for the Orders of the Day.


1. If a motion is passed to lay a motion on the

table, how long does it remain available to

the assembly the before it dies if the

assembly meets monthly?

2. If a motion is passed to lay a motion on the

table, how long does it remain available to

the assembly the before it dies if the

assembly meets annually?

3. If a motion is passed to lay a motion on the

table, how long does it remain available to

the assembly the before it dies if the

assembly meets quarterly?

1. If not taken from the table before the end of the

next session, it dies.

2. If not taken from the table before the end of the

current session, it dies.

3. If not taken from the table before the end of the

next session, it dies.


Assume you are the chairman at a regular

meeting and the motion to Postpone to a

Certain Time (or Definitely) is pending.

1. How many times would you allow each

member to debate the motion at that


2. How many minutes would you allow each

member to debate each time at that


3. What phrase would you used to indicate

that a member debated a motion twice at a

meeting and cannot speak on it again?

1. Two times.

2. Ten minutes.

3. The member has exhausted his right to

debate that motion.


Name the three statements, in order, that the chair should make at the conclusion of a recess.

1. “The meeting will come to order.”

2. “The time for recess has expired.”

3. “The question is on the resolution ...”


Name three subsidiary motions that can be applied to the motion Request for Information.

No subsidiary motions can be applied to the motion Request for Information.


What are the three steps in considering a Main

Motion before the assembly?

1. The motion is debated.

2. The presiding officer puts the question.

3. The presiding officer announces the result of

the vote.


Name three forms of wording used to make the

subsidiary motion Previous Question in a

qualified form.

1. Three examples with at least two motions

are correct.

Example“I move [or “demand,” or “call

for”] the previous question on the motion

to commit and the amendment.”

2. “I demand the previous question on all

pending questions.”


1. Should the chair announce abstentions in a

counted vote? Explain your answer.

2. Are abstentions counted in the total votes

cast? Explain your answer.

3. Can the chair, if a member, vote by ballot

and in the event of a tie vote also break the

tie in an election? Explain your answer.

1. No. Abstentions are not counted or

otherwise determined.

2. No. Only votes cast are counted.

3. No. One person, one vote.


Name the three circumstances when a Call for the Orders of the Day is applicable?

1. When the agenda, program, or order of business is being varied from.

2. When a general order, in order at the time, is not being taken up.

3. When the time for considering a special order has arrived or passed and it is not being taken up.


1. Can the chair’s answer to a Parliamentary Inquiry be appealed? Explain your answer.

2. Is the chair judgment as to which side is more numerous on a voice vote subject to an Appeal? Explain your answer.

3. Is the chair’s judgment as to which side is more numerous on a rising vote subject to an Appeal? Explain your answer.

1. No. It is the opinion of the chair not a ruling.

2. No. A member could simply call for a Division of the Assembly.

3. No. A member could move to have a rising counted vote.


1. What is an original Main Motion?

2. What is an incidental Main Motion?

3. What is the main difference in the rules for an

original Main Motion and an incidental Main


1. A motion that brings new business before the


2. A motion that is related to the business of the

assembly or its past or future actions.

3. An Objection to the Consideration of a

Question can only be applied to an original

Main Motion.


1. How could an unlimited number of alternative choices for a particular variable in a motion be proposed?

2. If a blank is to be filled by a name, in which order are they voted on?

3. If a motion to purchase a new stock trailer is pending with a blank to be filled for the amount of money and the suggestions are $1,000, $5000 and $10,000, in what order would each proposal be voted on?

1. By proposing to create a blank.

2. In the order they were proposed.

3. $10,000, $5,000, $1,000. Beginning with

the one least likely to be adopted when

spending money.


At each meeting, the presiding officer should have four items at hand. Name those four items.

1. A copy of the bylaws and other rules of the


2. A copy of the parliamentary authority.

3. A list of all standing and special committees

and their members.

4. The agenda or a memorandum of the

complete order of business listing all known

matters that are to come up.


What is the difference between the device to Raise a Question of Privilege and the question of privilege itself?

Raising a Question of Privilege allows the chair to decide whether to request or main motion will be admitted at the priority of a privileged motion. The question of privilege itself is a request or a main motion. After having been admitted, it has the same rank and Standard Descriptive Characteristics as a main motion or a simple request.


A motion for a Division of a Question is pending. Name three general ways the motion could be amended.

1. The location of division could be amended.

2. The order in which they are considered could be changed.

3. The number of divisions could be changed. (For example from two parts to three parts if applicable)


Robert’s Rules of Oder Newly Revised (abbrev.RONR) cites several examples of incidental Main Motions. What are three of them?

1. Move to take a Recess when business is not


2. Move to limit the length of speeches

throughout an entire meeting when business

is not pending.

3. Move to ratify action taken at a meeting

when a quorum was not present.

4. Move to adopt committee recommendations

based upon instructions.


1. Can a motion to Postpone to a Certain Time

(or Definitely) be proposed if a motion to

limit debate to 15 minutes is pending?

Explain your answer.

2. How could you make it in order to make this


3. If an order limits debate to one debate per

person, would a motion to postpone

definitely be in order while the order limiting

debate remains in effect? Explain your


1. No. The motion would not be in order

because the motion sets a total time limit on


2. By either reconsidering the vote on the

limitation of debate or a motion to extend

the limits of debate.

3. Yes. A limit on the number of debates has

no effect on the moving of a postponement.


There are six types of improper amendments.

Name five of them.

1. One that is not germane.

2. One that makes the adoption of the

amendment equivalent to the rejection of the

main motion.

3. One that would cause the motion as

amended to be out of order.

4. One that changes one form of amendment to

another form of amendment.

5. One that converts one parliamentary form to


6. One that strikes “Resolved” or other

enacting words.


1. When should minutes of an ”executive session” be approved?

2. If a subsequent “executive session” is held solely for the purpose of approving the minutes of a prior “executive session”, what is the procedure for those minutes?

1. At a subsequent meeting in executive session unless the secrecy has been lifted by the assembly.

2. The brief minutes of the latter meeting are assumed to be approved by that meeting.


1. A motion to postpone the matter until the next regular meeting is the immediately pending question when the Main Motion is laid on the table. If the motion is taken from the table at the next meeting, how is the motion to Postpone to a Certain Time (or Definitely) treated?

2. A motion to postpone the matter until the next regular meeting is the immediately pending question when the Main Motion is laid on the table. If the motion is taken from the table at the same meeting, how is the motion to Postpone to a Certain Time (or Definitely) treated?

3. A motion to refer the matter to a committee

to report back at the next meeting is the

immediately pending question when the

Main Motion is laid on the table. If the

motion is taken from the table at the next

meeting, how is the motion to Commit or

Refer treated? Explain your answer.

1. It is ignored.

2. The motion to Postpone to a Certain Time (or Definitely) is the immediately pending question.

3. The motion to Commit or Refer is the immediately pending question. The committee will report at the meeting after the motion is taken from the table.


Name three Main Motions that are not in order.

1. Main Motions that conflict with federal, state

or local law.

2. Main Motions that conflict with the rules,

bylaws or constitution of the parent


3. Main Motions that conflict with a motion

previously adopted and still in force.

4. Main motions that is outside the

organizations object, unless the organization

authorizes its introduction by a two-thirds


5. Main Motions that are the same as a

previously rejected Main Motion from the

same session.

6. Main Motions that are the same as one which

has been temporarily but not finally disposed



1. If a motion has been materially amended

since the Postpone Indefinitely was lost, can

the motion to Postpone Indefinitely be


2. If a motion to Postpone Indefinitely is

adopted, for how long is the Main Motion


3. If a Main Motion is postponed indefinitely at

this regularly monthly meeting, can the main

motion be reintroduced at the next regular

monthly meeting? Explain your answer.

1. No. It cannot be renewed in conjunction

with the same main motion for the

remainder of the session.

2. For the remainder of that session.

3. Yes. Each session is independent of the

previous session.


There are seven actions that cannot be reconsidered. Name five of them.

1. A motion that can be renewed.

2. A negative vote on a motion that would now

be out of order.

3. An affirmative vote whose provisions have

been partly carried out.

4. An affirmative vote in the nature of a

contract when the party to the contract has

been notified.

5. Any vote which has caused something to be

done that is impossible to undo.

6. A vote on the motion to Reconsider.

7. When practically the same result can be

obtained by some other parliamentary
