Privileged Motions
Subsidiary Motions
Main Motions, Basic Principles
Incidental Motions
Bring Again Motions
This motion is used to set a new meeting date and time.
What is Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn to?
This motion, if passed, will postpone the motion to which it refers, and that postponed motion may get lost
What is the motion to lay on the table?
The first thing a proposer of a main motion must do
What is stand, address the chair, and wait to be recognized?
This person handles most of the incidental motions without bringing them to a vote
Who is the chair?
If this motion isn't made by the end of the next meeting, a postponed motion could get lost
What is take from the table?
These motions--fix the time, adjourn, & recess--are legal even if this is not present
What is a quorum?
This motion, if passed, will only change the wording of the motion to which it is applied
What is amend?
Parliamentary Procedure recognizes the will of the majority and protects the rights of this group
What is the minority?
To make this incidental motion you must stand, address the chair, and wait to be recognized.
What is appeal the decision of the chair?
Only someone who voted this way can make the motion to reconsider or rescind
What is "voted on the prevailing side"?
A member uses this motion if he has a pressing issue of personal importance such as not being able to hear a speaker
What is Personal Privilege?
If a main motion and an amendment are both pending, this is the only subsidiary motion that would be considered out of order.
What is postpone indefinitely?
The chair has the option to vote only under these circumstances
What is make or break a tie?
Even though this incidental motion needs a 2/3s vote, you may interrupt.
What is objection to the consideration of the question?
This motion, if passed, reopens a motion that has already been voted on and allows for further debate and a re-vote
What is the motion to reconsider?
A member might use this motion in order to get a chance to talk informally with certain other members about a pending motion
What is take a recess?
This motion, if passed, will end debate and bring the motion to which it refers to an immediate vote.
What is previous question?
Only this many members may have the floor at any one time.
What is one?
If the chair or a member is making a mistake in parliamentary procedure, you can do this
What is Rise to a Point of Order?
What a member must do in order for the motion to reconsider or rescind pass with a simple majority rather that a 2/3s vote
What is give previous notice?
This motion is used if the chair is not following the order of business as it is listed on the agenda
What is Call for the Orders of the Day?
This is something all subsidiary motions have in common.
What is "cannot stand alone"?
The chair should behave this way in a meeting
What is impartially or without bias?
If the chair's pronouncement of the results of a voice vote seems incorrect, you can do this
What is call out "Division!"
This motion, if passed, has the effect of canceling out the vote on the motion to which it refers, making that motion null and void
What is motion to rescind?