That's My Job
Say What
Meeting Time
This is the person who takes notes during a meeting and then reports a summary of the meeting to the membership.
What is the Secretary?
This is the first thing a President says when he/she begins a meeting.
What is The meeting is called to order?

How many people are needed to second a motion?

What is one?


During this time in the agenda, members continue to discuss topics they have discussed in previous meetings.

What is Old Business?


This is how a member introduces an idea or suggestion to the group

What is a Main Motion (I have an idea)?

This is the person who takes over in the president's absence.
What is the Vice President?
These are the first two words that one would use to start a motion.
What is I move?

This is the number of yes votes needed to pass a main motion.

What is the Majority?

This is the item on the agenda during which the secretary calls the names of all the members to determine if each is present.
What is Roll Call.

This action shows that another member supports the motion and wants it discussed.

What is Seconding (I agree)?

This is the person who keeps the financial records for the club.
What is the Treasurer?
These are the words one would say immediately after another member has made a motion.
What is I second that motion?

How many members must be present for quorum in a group of 50?

What is 26 (or the majority)?

This is the item on the agenda during which it is time in the meeting to discuss items never brought before the club previously.
What is New Business

When a member disagrees with the idea, this triggers a discussion among the group.

What is Objection (I don’t agree)

This is the person who plans the agenda.
What is the President?
This is the sentence that a member would say if he/she wanted to end the business portion of the meeting.
What is I move the meeting be adjourned?

How many votes are required to pass a motion when using general consent?

What is none, unless there is an objection?

These are the three general ways a main motion may be amended.
What is Inserting a word or phrase, adding a word or phrase, and substituting a word or phrase.

This motion is made to end the debate and call for a vote on the idea.

What is Previous Question (let's end the discussion and vote)?

This is the person who can make a motion.
What is Member?

What is the phrase used to end debate and move directly to a vote?

What is 'I move the previous question'?


How many votes are needed to pass a motion if 40 members are present, and a two-thirds vote is required

What is 27?


During this agenda time, reports from committees and officers are presented to update the group on ongoing work.

What is 'reports of officers and committees'?


After discussion, this is the final step where the group decides whether the idea passes or fails.

What is Voting (VOTE on the idea)?