What is the name given to the tradition of rules and customs formed by centuries of trial and error to deal with meeting problems?
Parlimentary Procedure
What does germane mean?
Your speech must be related to the motion under discussion.
What are standing committees?
Permanent committees established by the rules of the organization.
What is a majority vote?
More than half the members voted for a motion.
What are bylaws?
Rules made by an organization to regulate its affairs and govern its members.
How is an item of business proposed in a meeting?
Making a motion
What are amendments?
They propose changes or modifications to motions.
What are special committees?
What is unanimous consent?
All members favor, no one opposes.
What is a point of order?
A motion made to call attention to a rule break during a meeting.
A second means...
The seconder wants the motion to be considered/The seconder agrees with the motion.
What is a substitute amendment?
It strikes out and inserts a paragraph.
Why may make the motion to reconsider?
A member who voted on the winning side.
When may the chair vote?
When there is a tie, or when the vote is by ballot.
Whose duty is it to make sure the rules are followed?
The chair.
The minimum number of members that must be present for a meeting is called...
The quorum
What vote is required to change the limits on the debate?
Two-thirds vote.
What are the two ways to give a previous notice?
In writing or orally.
When may a vote by show of hands be taken?
In a small group.
What can you do if you disagree with a ruling by the chair?
Appeal to the group as a whole.
What is the next step after a motion is moved and seconded?
The chair states the motion.
How many times may a member speak in debate on any debatable motion on the same day?
Two times.
How can the chair decide if a member voted on the prevailing side?
Can refer to the minutes.
When does a candidate take office?
As soon as the election becomes final.
What motion should you make when you want to do something the rules do not permit?
Move to suspend the rules temporarily.