Nominations and Elections
Parliamentary Inquiry
Leave to Withdraw a Motion`
take from the table
How may nominations be closed? Reopened?
Nominations may be closed by a two-thirds vote on the motion to close nominations. Nominations may be reopened by a majority vote on the motion to reopen nominations.
What is the purpose of making.
The purpose of making a parliamentary inquiry is to permit a member to gain parliamentary information. a parliamentary inquiry?
When may the proposer of a motion withdraw it from the chapter? .
When may the proposer of a motion withdraw it from the chapter?
What is the purpose of the motion to adjourn..
the purpose of the motion to adjourn is to terminate close the meeting.
what is the purpose of the motion to take from the table
What is the purpose of the motion to take from the table is to again bring a question before the chapter for further consideration..
Does a nomination require a second?
A second is not required to nominate.
What is the purpose of making
A parliamentary inquiry does not required a second; a vote is not required
If the porposer of a motion modifies it i any way, may th eseconder withdraw his/her second?
If the porposer of a motion modifies it in any way, the seconder may withdraw his/her second.
when may a motion to adjourn be offered
a motion to adjourn when unqualified may be offered at any tie other than when the chapter is voting or verifying the voteunless the vote is by ballot a motion to adjourn when qualified may be offered only when no other motion is before the chapter
when may the motion to take from the table be offered
a motion can be taken from the table if some business has transacted since is was tabled
In what order are candidates voted upon following their nominations?
Candidates are voted upon in the order in which they were nominated
.Is a parliamentary inquiry debatable? Amendable?
A parliamentary inquiry is undebatable and unamendable.
Is a leave to withdraw debatable? Amendable?
Amendable?Is a leave to withdraw debatable? Amendable?
is the motion to adjourn debatable amendable
the motion to adjourn when unqualified is undebatable and unamedable
is the motion to take from the table debatable amendable
What is the motion to take from the table is undebatable and unamendable
May the vote on a motion to close nominations be reconsidered?
The vote on a motion to close nominations cannot be reconsidered.
Must one recievce rocognition to make a parliamentary inquiry?
A parliamentary inquiry is undebatable and unamendable.
What vote is neccesary to permit on to withdraw a motion?1
A motion, after having been stated by the president, may be withdrawn by a majority vote by the chapter.
in a chapter meeting if if the motion to adjourn carries is the meeting dismissed immediately..
in a chapter meeting if the motion to adjourn carries the meeting is not dismissed immediately the closing ceremony should be performed since the motion to adjourn affects only the business session..
does the motion to take from the table require a second
What is the motion to take from the table requires a second
A motion connot be withdrawn after voting has commenced.
May a motion be withdrawn after votion has commenced?