Rashi Q and A
בקשר למה למדנו
על מי/על מה נאמר and Questions

"ויותר יעקב" (Posuk Chof Hey)

Question: Why was Yakov alone? Wasn't he traveling with his whole family?

Answer: He went back across the river to get some bottles he left


בקשר למה למדנו (in connection to what did we learn) that Malachim don't have a permanent name?

Rashi Posuk Lamed "למה זה תשאל" the מלאך asked Yakov why he asked for his name because מלאכים do not have permanent names; their names are according to their mission at the time.


What kind of messangers did Yakov send to Eisav?

Real Malachim


Why is Yakov sending the presents ahead and him in the back?

His hope is that the gifts will apease Eisav and when he sees Yakov at the end he will forgive him.



For escape


״ויירא ויצר" (Posuk Ches)

Question: Why the double language that he was fearful and distressed?


ויירא= He was scared maybe he would be killed

ויצר= He was distressed that others would be killed


בקשר למה למדנו (in connection to what did we learn) to answer questions in the order that they are asked?

Rashi posuk Yud Tes, Yakov tells the מלאכים to answer Eisav specifically in the order that he asked the questions, first saying that they are messengers of Yakov and it is a gift for Eisav

״ושמתי את זרעך כחול הים״

Who/what is this referring to?

Hashem is talking about how Yakov's descendants will be like the sand of the sea (a lot of them)


What 3 things did Yakov do to prepare to see Eisav?Give a quote that matches to one of them

1)Presents "ותעבור המנחה על פניו"

2)Tefillah "אלוקי אבי אברהם"

3)Prepared for war "והיה המחנה הנשאר לפלטה


והוא צלע

And he was limping


"שור וחמור" (Posuk Vov)

Question: Why does is say ox and donkey in singular?

Answer: It can also be said in enlgish when referring to many oxen or donkeys (example of the rooster crowing at night)


בקשר למה למדנו (in connection to what did we learn) that all the Brachos from Yitzchak were not yet fulfilled?

(one answer)

- Yakov says he has "שור וחמור" "Oxen and Donkeys" and not "dew of the heavens and fat of the earth" like it says in the Bracha

- Rashi "גרתי" Yakov says that he is still a גר, a stranger and not an important person ruling over his brother like the Brachos say

-"כי במקלי" Yakov is saying that he has a staff with him, not gold or silver or cattle like it says in the brachos


"גיד הנשה"

Who is this referring to?

Yakov's thigh that got dislocated after the fight with the Malach


Why did Yakov split his family into two camps?

So that if Eisav attacked one then the other would be able to escape.


"בהאבקו עמו"

When he wrestled with him


"באנו אל אחיל אל עשו"

Question: Why the double Lashon of אחיך and Eisav?

Answer: He is still Yakov's brother but he is behaving like Eisav who is wicked


בקשר למה למדנו (in connection to what did we learn) that Dina was in a box?

The posuk says that Yakov went with his wives and 11 children (binyomin was not born yet). Where was Dina? She was locked in a box so Eisav would see her. (this was not really good because maybe she could have changed Eisav's ways and also she fell into the hands of Shechem)

כי במקלי

Who/What is this referring to?

Yakov's staff


What are Rashi's two explanations on "עם לבן גרתי"?

1) I lived with Lavan and did not become someone important (like and officer or dignitary) like the Brachos said I would so why do you hate me?

2) "גרתי" is the same as "תרי״ג" which equals 613 that when Yakov lived with Lavan he kept all 613 Mitzvos


"נתמעטו זכויתי" (Rashi Yud Aleph)

My merits have been diminished


"קטנתי מכל החסדים" (Posuk Yud Aleph)

Question: What does this mean? Why is Yakov saying he feels small?

Answer: Because of all of the kindnesses and miracles Hashem did for him he feel like his זכותים have become diminished. Now perhaps he is not worthy of Hashem's protection and is scared to meet Eisav.

(From where do we learn that Yakov was very humble?)


בקשר למה למדנו (in connection to what did we learn) that Yakov got the Brachos through nobility and not deceit?

The מלאך changed his name from Yakov (from the root word "עקבה" "deceit" to Yisrael meaning "שררה" "nobility"


ויאבק איש עמו

With who?

A Malach fought with Yakov


What are Rashi's two reasons why is says "ויזרח לו השמש"?

1) It is a common expression that when he got to that place the sun rose for him

2) The sun actually rose for him to heal him because the sun has healing properties


"ומרפא בכנפיה"

With healing in its wings