Arrival and Hallway
Bus Dismissal and Riding on the Bus
Car Rider Dismissal and Bathroom
Cafeteria and Recess
Places in the Building

The voice level that students need to maintain in the hallway

What is level 0 (or silent)?


The rule about food and drinks during bus dismissal and while riding on the bus

What is not allowed?


The voice level while using the bathroom, or while waiting to use the bathroom

What is silence (level 0)?


Hands, feet, and objects while waiting in the lunch line or eating in the cafeteria (or in the classroom)

What is kept to oneself?


The area a student should go to when they need to visit the Focus Room

Where is to the office (with a pink pass)?


The area in the hallway that students should walk down in the hallway

What is on the right side, close to the wall?


The correct place for a cell phone during bus dismissal and while riding on the bus

Where is in your backpack, turned off?


The way a car rider should wait in the hallway during dismissal

What is silently, sitting with your back to wall, and listening/looking for your name or number?


The two ways one should speak while in the lunch line

What is using voice level 1 and having manners?


The way a student should respond to adults while in the office, library, or focus room

How is respectfully and following directions?


The way a student should return a greeting from an adult while in the hallway

What is silently (smile or wave)?


The correct doors that bus riders will exit through at the end of the day

What is the front doors for K-3 students and the south doors for 4-6 students?


The cell phone rule during car rider dismissal

What is keeping it turned off and in your backpack?

The direction one should walk in while using the track 

What is clockwise?


The way materials should be treated when in the focus room or in the library

How is with respect and being sure to put them away?


The place a cell phone should be kept upon arriving at school

Where is in your backpack in the closet or turned into the teacher (to be stored in the locked closet)?


The four ways a student should sit on the bus

What is facing forward, in your assigned seat, feet to floor, bottom on the seat?


The amount of soap and paper towel that should be used while washing your hands in the bathroom

What is one pump of soap and two paper towels?


Four things that are not allowed on the 1) swings, 2) slides, 3) climbing structures, 4) basketball court

What is 1) standing on the swing/jumping off/pushing others/twisting 2) climbing up/waiting at the top or bottom 3) sitting or standing on top/jumping off 4) touching the rim or net/using bad language/inappropriate hands or feet?


A tool that is used to hold a library book's place on the shelf as you decide whether it's a Good Fit Book

What is a shelf marker?


This gets turned into your teacher if you arrive to school after 7:40

What is a tardy slip?


This is kept to oneself while dismissing to the bus and while riding on the bus

What are hands, feet, and objects?


This is "honored" while using the bathroom

What is other people's privacy?


The type of language that needs to be used in the cafeteria and while at recess

What is appropriate?


Two things you should be prepared to do when visiting the focus room

What is following safe seat expectations and filling out a reflection?