Standing before 'ה
Breaking the Brit-Covenant
Where Torah is Found
Moshe Rabbenu

Standing before 'ה were the tribal heads, elders, officials, heads of households, children, wives, stranger and these two common professions.

Who are the woodchopper and the water drawer?


This place where B'nai Yisrael might have picked up some ideas about idol worship.

What is Egypt?


The specific things that 'ה has put before B'nai Yisrael.

What are the blessing and the curse?


G-d makes sure that this teaching is not this.

What is too baffling (confusing) or beyond reach?


The age of Moshe in Parashat N'tzavim.

What is 120?


All were standing to receive this.

What is the Covenant- ברית?


Those who might think about breaking the Covenant are compared to this plant and plant disease.

What is poison weed and wormwood?


B'nai Yisrael can come back and return to 'ה with these two important mindsets.

What are their hearts and souls?


The Torah is not to be found in these two environments?

What is in the heavens and across the sea?


The name of Moshe's successor.

Who is Joshua?


 G-d swore this covenant initially to these three important people.

Who are Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov?


When hearing the punishments, one might think this and think they are safe.

What is "I shall be safe, although I follow my own willful heart?

(שלום יהיה לי כי בשררות לבי אלך)


When B'nai Yisrael repents for its wrongdoing, 'ה will take them back in this manner.

What is in love?


The places on oneself where the Torah should be placed.

What is your mouth and your heart?


The place where the Sefer Torah that Moshe wrote is stored.

What is the ארון- the Ark?


The Covenant is made with those standing and these others.

Who are those who are not with us today?


How G-d will deal with someone who thinks they are safe from punishment.

What is He will never forgive them?

G-d taking back B'nai Yisrael will also result in this miracle.

What is gathering all the Jewish people where they have been scattered around the earth?


These two entities are the witnesses to this agreement that G-d makes with the Jewish people.

What are heaven and earth?


The gathering ceremony- Hakel- happens on this holiday in this year.

What is on Sukkot in the seventh year?


The Covenant contains promises and these?

What are sanctions or punishments?


When other nations ask why B'nai Yisrael might be suffering, this is their response.

What is 'because we forsook (broke) the Covenant that God...made with us when freeing us from Egypt'?


This line -

Deut. 30:5- And your G-d will bring you to the land that your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it; and Gd will make you more prosperous and more numerous than your ancestors-

is found in this prayer said in many synagogues on Shabbat morning.

What is prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel- תפילה לשלום מדינת ישראל?


The important choice G-d commands us to make.

What is to choose life?


Where G-d face will now be when and if B'nai Yisrael sins and strays from the path.

What is hidden?