Who is kaptain?
The Tempus discord server had a channel with this name that was used to request STV recordings.
What is #demos?
Name 60 maps in a minute.
Good job.
This map contains Godzilla.
What is jump_estrogen?
This player won the meanest jumper award.
Who is Waldo?
This player TAS'ed their 3rd place Beginnings 6 run.
Who is Newjuls?
What is 1?
What is blue?
This is the first map on Tempus alphabetically.
What is conc_concept?
This player created the map considered to be the best soldier map of all time.
Who is obsidiian?
This jumper has the first Run of the Week.
Who is QuBA?
This is the total amount of jumpers ranked on Tempus.
What is 99,000?
What are sobel, edgebug and watermelon?
This map exists on the Tempus api but isn't on Tempus.
What is jump_b00n?
This tier contains the most maps for soldier.
What is tier 4?
This jumper has the first soldier t5 flawless map run.
Who is Aurora?
Reaching 100,000 soldier points will land you at this rank on Tempus.
What is 11th?
This map has the lowest combined completions on Tempus.
What is jump_the?
This map has the highest soldier completions out of any t6.
What is jump_lion?
This map has the most demoman completions on Tempus.
What is jump_babylon?
This jumper had the first non-soldier/demo Run of the Week.
Who is Kairu?
This account has the most messages sent in the Tempus discord server.
What is tempus?
This is the amount of times 'golly' has been used in the Tempus discord server.
What is 7,800?
This map has the lowest soldier completions on Tempus. (excluding t0 maps)
What is sj_naissancee?
This is the player who has won the most races in Tip of the Hats history.
Who is Gebobus?