Creation & Original Sin
Jesus' Ministry and Public Life
The Paschal Mystery
The Sacraments

What is free will?

The ability to choose between good and evil.


What is a covenant?

A solemn agreement between God and human beings, involving mutual commitments.


What is significant about the Wedding at Cana?

It was Jesus' first public miracle, revealing His divinity and foreshadowing the Eucharist.


What does the Passion refer to?

Jesus’ suffering from the Agony in the Garden to His Crucifixion.


What event in Jesus’ life instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist?

The Last Supper.


What does "Imago Dei" mean?

Image of God.


Name one covenant God made with humanity.

  • Noah: Never to flood the earth again.
  • Abraham: Descendants, land, and blessings for all nations.
  • Moses: The Law (Ten Commandments).

What is the purpose of Jesus' miracles?

To reveal His divine authority, inspire faith, and demonstrate God’s compassion.


What event marks Jesus' Resurrection?

The empty tomb on Easter Sunday.


What does Baptism imprint on the soul?

An indelible spiritual mark as a sign of belonging to Christ.


What is Original Sin?

The fallen state of human nature inherited from Adam and Eve’s disobedience.


What does "prefigure" mean in Scripture?

To foreshadow or hint at future events, people, or truths.


How does Mary intercede at Cana?

Mary notices the need for wine and asks Jesus to act, showing her role as an intercessor.


What does the Resurrection confirm?

The divinity of Jesus, the truth of His teachings, and victory over sin and death.


How is Baptism a gateway to other sacraments?

Baptism initiates a person into the Church and opens the way to receiving the other sacraments.


What does Original Justice refer to?

Harmony with God, oneself, others, and creation before the Fall.


What was God's promise to Abraham?

Many descendants, land, and that he would be a blessing for all nations.


Name two miracles that Christ performed besides the miracle at the Wedding at Cana? 

  • Healing the blind.
  • Feeding the 5,000.
  • Raising Lazarus from the dead.
  • Calming the storm.

What is a glorified body?

A body that is not bound by the laws of nature, as seen in Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearances.


How does the Wedding at Cana relate to the Sacrament of Matrimony?

The Wedding at Cana highlights the importance of marriage as a holy covenant, as Jesus performed His first miracle there, blessing the union and revealing His presence in the celebration of marriage.


What are consequences of Original Sin?

Suffering, death, concupiscence (tendency toward sin), and loss of Original Holiness.


How does Jesus fulfill the Protoevangelium?

Jesus is the promised "offspring" who defeats sin and Satan through His death and Resurrection.


What does the Transfiguration reveal?

Jesus' divine nature, foreshadowing His Resurrection, and the fulfillment of the Law (Moses) and Prophets (Elijah).


What is the Ascension and the "Great Commission?" 

The Ascension is Jesus' return to Heaven; the Great Commission is His command to the disciples to spread the Gospel to all nations. "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 


Why is the Eucharist referred to as "the true Body and Blood of Christ" in Catholic teaching, and what doctrine explains this?

The Eucharist is the true Body and Blood of Christ through the doctrine of transubstantiation, where the bread and wine become Christ’s Body and Blood while retaining their physical appearance.