Why do you use a language frame to focus on target language?
to identify progress in language learning
What do you observe in the class to see if they shout out answers or put up hands to answer questions?
What do you need to do to increase wait time for the class to be quiet before giving tasks?
adjust classroom management
What is the role of self-assessment for young learners?
To reflect on their own learning and progress.
Why do you ask the class what they liked or didn't like about a task on competition?
to identify children's likes and dislikes
What do you identify by asking them what they think about characters and their actions in stories?
What do you need to do to hold up child's work to praise and identify good points?
give oral feedback
How does peer assessment support student learning?
By encouraging students to give constructive feedback to each other.
Why do you use "can/ do" statements on self-assessment tasks at the end of a topic?
to diagnose strengths and weaknesses
What do you identify by asking successful learners how they remember words or spellings?
Learning strategies
What do you ness to do to simplify language in a text?
adjuct teaching materials
What is the main focus of self-assessment for students?
Reflecting on their own learning and identifying areas for improvement.
What do you identify by observing effort and interest a child shows for a task?
Why observation is an important assessment method for teachers?
It allows teachers to gather insights into students’ behavior, participation, and skills in real-time