Building relationships and generating Trust.
What is Excellent Customer Service?
Greetings! Thank you for choosing Burger King Unified Support!
What is a BK Greeting Intro?
Who? What? When? Where? How?
What is asking Probing questions?
The CEO of ParTech
Who is Savneet Singh?
Search early and search often!
What is Right Answers?
7 Seconds
What is how many seconds it takes to make a First Impression?
Cannot be answered with YES or NO.
What is Open-ended Questioning?
What is Identify the challenge, the first step of Troubleshooting?
Alexander Sendzuk, Cindy Vander Velde, Zach Parker, and Kyle Benoit.
Who are the PAR Managers?
Root Cause. Problem Component. Problem Issue. Problem Resolution. Closing Summary.
What are the closing info?
I apologize. PAR really works hard to deliver the best products and services.
What is an Empathy?
Humble, Smart, and a sprinkle of Hungry
What is the ideal team player?
P0 - Critical (Hard Down) SLA: 2 hrs
P1 - Urgent SLA: 4 hrs
P2 - Important SLA: 24 hrs
P3 - Routine SLA: 5 days
What are the Case Priority?
Act with Urgency, Own it, Deliver Outcomes, Win Together & Never Settle!
What is the Par Values?
Case ID# & Survey
What subjects must be mentioned at the end of every call?
Understanding how customers view situations.
What are perspectives?
70% of what you say is received by how you say it.
What is Greetings and Salutations; Call introduction?
Figure out why something doesn’t work as intended and provide a solution to resolve the issue.
What is the primary objectives of troubleshooting?
Tonia Martin
Who is the Sr. Director of Customer Support?
Reported Problem:
Conclusion/Next Steps:
What are the CRM Case Notes Template?
I don't know.
Less to More phrases to avoid; I can find the answer for us!
May. Might. Possibly.
What are hedging words?
Admin Portal. Documentation Manuals. Guides. SharePoint.
What are Resources?
What are Par Acronyms?
Knowledge-Centered Solution
Right Answers
Restaurant Brand International
CS Number: | Model: | SN:
Old terminal Remote Care name:
IP Address: | Subnet: | Gateway:
Server: | Brink Version: | LocationUid:
TerminalNumber: | EndPoint Address:
What are the Parts Request template?