What is the main purpose of the Dress & Deportment policy?
To set expectations for participant dress
& behaviour
What type of clothing is recommended for most Ranch Ehrlo activities?
Casual clothing.
What kind of attitude should participants display?
Respectful, warm, empathetic
Can participants dye their hair?
Yes, individual preferences are supported.
When should these guidelines be reviewed with participants?
During admission and regularly in group.
What role do staff play in participant dress & behaviour?
They act as daily role models.
Name one type of clothing that participants should avoid.
Clothing with gang connotations, inappropriate slogans, excessively tight or revealing clothing.
How do staff help participants develop positive behaviour?
Through consistent, positive role modeling.
What is the guideline for wearing makeup?
Age appropriate application is supported, respect for others must be considered.
How can participants raise concerns about these guidelines?
Why is it important for participants to dress appropriately in the community?
To project respect for themselves, their family, the community and the agency.
When are participants expected to wear nicer clothing?
To special events such as awards night.
When should participants limit their use of headphones?
In homes, schools, or any place where the focus is on group therapy or positive social interaction.
What types of piercings are allowed?
Small studs or sleeper hoops for ears and nose. Other piercings are not supported due to safety.
What process is followed for serious complaints with regards to youth dress/deportment?
The Youth Greivance Policy
What guiding principle should be used when making dress and deportment decisions?
Respect for others
What is the expectation around hats in buildings?
Hats must be removed inside offices; wearing them at the school is up to the principal.
How does Ranch Ehrlo ensure that youth are using proper manners?
Through teaching, role-modeling, and expectations.
When might a participant need to cover their tattoos?
If it has an offensive or gang-related message.
True or false: Accommodations for cultural or religious reasons are allowed for youth dress and deportment.
What principles should staff use to encourage adherence to guidelines?
CARE Principles: Relationship based, developmentally focused, family involved, competence centered, trauma informed, ecologically oriented.
Under what circumstances should footwear be removed inside buildings?
They are muddy, wet, or shoes are not permitted.
Why are good manners essential for participants?
Because they are representing themselves, their families, and Ranch Ehrlo.
Can staff take participants to get tattoos?
To present themselves in a respectful, age-appropriate manner.