Participatory learning should always involve movement, noise, or "busyness."
False! Quiet activities like thinking and writing can still be highly active and participatory
This mentally meteorological participatory learning activity introduces a topic or problem and asks for student input, which may be listed on the board.
What is brainstorming?
This "feeling lucky?" company's product allows students to collaborate on a document in real time over the web.
What is Google Docs?
The body of the lesson, where learners are as actively involved in the learning process as possible.
What is participatory learning?
This is what "FDW" stands for.
What is a Facilitator Development Workshop?
In the ISW, we believe that students learn from each other, not just from the instructor.
True! It's right there in the handbook (2.20).
This three-verb participatory learning activity lets students reflect on their own before discussing with a partner.
What is think-pair-share?
This Blackboard tool allows students to post and respond to one another asynchronously, usually in response to a prompt from the instructor.
What is a discussion board?
Another name for participatory learning, with half as many syllables.
What is active learning?
Not to be confused with swarms of flying grasshoppers, this concept explains the degree to which people feel they have control over their lives.
What is locus of control?
Participatory learning is less important in asynchronous online classes since those students prefer to do things on their own.
False! Participatory learning is just as important in and applicable to online courses.
This participatory learning activity involves small group work wherein students give each other feedback on in-progress work.
What is peer review?
Ruth used this virtual writing surface to let us publicly share answers during her BOPPPS theme session.
What is a whiteboard?
A not-very-participatory classroom segment in which the teacher talks uninterrupted for long periods of time
What is lecture?
The "C" in OCEAN.
What is conscientiousness?
This theme session (brought to you by is demonstrating strong participatory learning.
True! Or so Andrew hopes...
This participatory learning activity uses a real-life example of people or events to prompt students to apply their classroom knowledge to real-world situations.
What is a case study?
Tara used this visual collaboration platform to compare us to Bruce Almighty and Wile E. Coyote.
What is a Miro board?
His taxonomy is ripe with action verbs to help your learning objectives blossom.
Who is Bloom?
Reflecting, paraphrasing, and probing are all examples of this important facilitator technique.
What is active listening?
Participatory learning is learning that lasts.
True! Only by engaging with the material or task will most students experience meaningful learning.
In this participatory learning activity, each student takes a "piece" of a topic and explains it to their peers, eventually completing the "puzzle."
What is a jigsaw discussion?
Not to be confused with collusion, this game-based learning platform generates online multiple-choice quizzes that students can take in real time.
What is Kahoot!?
"Familiar to unfamiliar," "simple to complex," and "abstract to concrete" are all examples of this when it comes to the participatory learning segment of a lesson plan.
What is sequencing?
Before Sharon pretended to be her, this teacher gave a ten-minute mini-lesson lesson called, "What Is That Bird?".
Who is Alice Cassidy?