True or false: The president of the United States is directly elected by the people.
Smaller parties besides the two main parties
What are third parties?
The first step in the election process where you choose one candidate from each party to run in the general election.
What is a primary election?
What is the first step of voting?
What is registering?
A group of people with broad, shared interests.
The special representatives who pledge to vote for a particular candidate.
Who are electors?
The two main political parties in the U.S.
What are the Democratic and Republican parties?
A process that lets voters propose new laws or amendements
What is being a U.S. citizen and 18 years old?
A series of statements expressing the party's beliefs
What is a platform?
The number of electors that matches the number of members in congress.
What is 538?
American has this kind of party system
A two-party system
In this type of election, people can vote to remove an official from office.
What is a recall election?
The place you go to vote on election day
What is a polling place?
A meeting of political party members to conduct party business
What is a caucus?
The votes casts by individual voters in a presidential election. These votes go to the electors
What is the popular vote?
Name an example of a third party
What is The Green Party, Reform Party, Libertarians, Constitution Party and Natural Law Party?
The election where you vote to put a candidate from one party into office.
What is a general election?
The list of candidates for which you cast your vote, used on election day
What is a ballot?
Number that is more than 50 percent of the total in an election
What is the majority?
The amount of electoral votes needed to win the election?
Name the most recent election where one candidate won the popular vote, and the other candidate won the electoral votes.
What is 270? What is the 2016 election?
Each party has this. It consists of representatives from the 50 state party organizations who run a political party.
What is a national committee?
The difference between an open and closed primary
In a closed primary, only party members can vote. In an open primary, any registered voter can vote.
The right to vote
What is suffrage?
The most votes among all those running for a political office
What is plurality?