
Name a mindfulness activity

meditation, eating, breathing, drawing, writing, organizing, anything can be mindful if you are paying attention when you do it!

John is at lunch and his friend asks to switch snacks with him. John doesn't want to swith because he has a nutterbutter and his friend has celery sticks. 

Is his friend offering a fair trade or is he trying take advantage?

That is not a fair trade. If John was ok with it then fine. Since he does not want the celery sticks his friend is trying to take advantage. 


what is my bothers name not my twin 



Is it important to be aware of relationship boundaries? Yes or No?



What does tolerance mean when dealing with people?

Learning to deal people we may not like.


Mindfulness teaches us to

Notice things without judgment

Be aware of how feelings come and go

accept what is happening in the present moment


Steve has a Math quiz tomorrow and he got a 70% on the last one. His friend Joe asks him to come to his basketball game and says if he does not they are no longer friends.

Is Joe being a good friend?

Joe should consider that Steve needs to do well on the quiz tomorrow and be reasonable that he may not be avaiable for the backetball game. 


what is my favorite book

the island 


What are some things you need in a healthy relationship?

compassion, connection, understanding. 


Why is it important to learn tolerance skills?

We may need to be in situations that are uncomfortable and knowing how to deal with them will serve us better in life.  


How can mindfulness help you manage your feelings?

If you notice the cues in your body when you have emotions you can learn to notice them sooner and control how you react to them.

Ralph is having trouble with his Math homework. Tom offers to help him with his work. Tom changes the numbers of a problem and walked Ralph through the steps. 

Is Ralph being a good friend or is he cheating?!

Ralph changed the numbers so he is not giving the answer to his friend. He is being a good friend!


what is my favorite movie 

pacifc rim 


What are some relationship red flags?

Lying, anger, pushing boundaries


What is an example of a situation that you do not have to be tolerant?

Physical or emotional bullying.

Mindfulness is easy the first time you try it. You are either automatically good at it or automatically bad at it. 



True or False: If a friend is a good friend you will never get frustrated with them.

False, it is normal in any relationship to get frustrated at times. Part of what makes a friend a good friend is that you can move past these frustrations. 


what is my dogs name 


Your friend is quiet and not being themselves and you fear something may be very wrong, what do you do?

Talk to them to see if you can help.

Tell a trusted adult.


Your doing you best to tolerate a classmate who is getting on your nerves.  What are some things you can do to help you tolerate that classmate?

Count to 10

Deep breathing

ask to take a walk or visit the bathroom


What can you do to help yourself be mindful?

Get a good night's sleep, eat nutritious food, take a deep breath and focus. 


Your friend asks you to do something after school. You know you cant go becuase you got in trouble the day before. You lie to your friend and say you cant becuase you have a sports game. 

Are you being a bad friend because you lied? 

No, if you dont want to share why you can not go that is your buisness- not his. You are totally fine and not being a bad friend giving an alternative reason. 


what is my least favorite movie and book 

harry potter and thor ragnoark 


True or False: In a relationship each person is responsible for their feelings and the feelings of the other person



True or False: Sometimes it's okay to act on your urges
