What are the four main parts of Mass.
Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of Eucharist, and Concluding Rites.
What is the first thing that happens during the Introductory Rites?
Entrance Song
What are the first 2 things that happen during the Liturgy of the Word.
First reading- Old testament
Responsorial Song
What happens during the Preparation of the Gifts?
Presentation of the Gifts
Prayer over offerings
What happens first during the Concluding Rites?
Greeting/ Final Blessing
What happens during the Introductory Rites?
Initial prayers and actions to prepare for Mass.
What's the second thing that happens during the Introductory Rites?
What are the next 2 things that happen during the Liturgy of the Word?
Second reading-New testament
Gospel Acclamation
What happens during the Eucharistic Prayer?
The Eucaristic Prayer
Holy, Holy, Holy
Transubstantial Consecration (First Half)
Mystery of Faith
Transubstantial Consecration (Second Half)
What happens second during the Concluding Rites?
What happens during the Liturgy of the Word?
Scripture readings and homily after the Gospel.
What is the third thing that happens during the Introductory Rites?
Penitential Act
The next 2 things that happen?
What happens during the Communion Rite?
Lords Prayer
Sign of Peace
The Lamb of God
The Holy Communion
Prayer After Communion
What happens third during the Concluding Rites?
Closing Song
What happens during the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
There is a celebration of the Eucharist and Communion.
What is the fourth thing that happens during the Introductory Rites?
What is the 7th thing that happens?
Profession of faith
Overall what are the 3 main parts of Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Preparation of the Gifts
The Eucaristic Prayer
Communion Rite
What happens during dismal?
Final blessing and sending forth of the congregation.
What happens during Concluding Rites?
A final blessing and final announcements. Then dismal.
What is the last thing that happens during the Introductory Rites?
Collect/Opening Prayer
What is the last thing that happens during the Liturgy of the Word.
Prayers of the faithful (universal prayer)
Overall what do we do during the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
We prepare for the gifts. Then we revive Communion.
What is the blessing?
Final blessing given by the priest before dismissal.