
How many nouns are in the sentence below? What is/are the noun?

Can your dog swim?


What is one noun. The noun is the dog. 


How many adjectives are in the sentence below? What is/are the adjectives?

The warm sun makes me sleepy. 

What is 1 adjective. The adjective is warm. 


What is/ are the verbs in the sentence below? How many verbs are there?

Johnny hit a foul ball.

There is one verb. The verb is hit.


What is the adverb in the sentence below. How many adverbs are there?

I ran fast.

There is one adverb. The adverb is fast. 


How many nouns is/are in the sentence below? What are they? 

Which movie did Isaac pick? 

What are 2 nouns. The nouns in the sentence are Isaac and movie. 


How many adjectives are in the sentence below? What is/are the adjectives?

Where are my old jeans? 

What is one adjective. The adjective is old. 


What is/ are the verbs in the sentence below? How many verbs are there?

Please give Ruth the letter tomorrow.

There is one verb. The verb is give. 


What is the adverb in the sentence below. How many adverbs are there?

I will gladly help you. 

There is one adverb. The adverb is gladly. 


How many nouns are in the sentence below? What is/ are the nouns in the sentence below? 

Scientists work in laboratories, and they also work in hospitals.

What are 4 nouns. The nouns in the sentence are scientists and hospitals. 


How many adjectives are in the sentence below? What is/are the adjectives?

Bring me the big, green notebook. 

What are 2 adjectives. The adjectives are big and green. 


What is/ are the verbs in the sentence below? How many verbs are there?

The kangaroo hopped over the rock.

There is one verb. The verb is hopped. 


What is the adverb in the sentence below. How many adverbs are there?

Speak clearly into the microphone so everyone can hear you. 

There is one adverb. The adverb is clearly. 


How many proper nouns are in the sentence below? What is/are the nouns? 

The Statue of Liberty is in New York. 

What are proper nouns 2 nouns. The nouns are Statue of Liberty and New York. 


How many adjectives are in the sentence below? What is/are the adjectives?

The strong person lifted a heavy box. 

What are 2 adjectives. The adjectives are strong and heavy. 


What is/ are the verbs in the sentence below? How many verbs are there?

The sun melted the ice.

There is one verb. The verb is melted.


What is the adverb in the sentence below. How many adverbs are there?

I was hardly ready when the doorbell rang so I quickly got ready. 

There are 2 adverbs. The adverbs are hardly and quickly


How many nouns are in the sentence below? What is/are the nouns?

I think Martha put the apples in the bag that she left on the bus.

What are 4 nouns. The nouns are Martha, apples, and bag, bus. 


How many adjectives are in the sentence below? What is/are the adjectives?

The tall girl hit her head on the low branch. 

What are 2 adjectives. The adjectives are tall and low. 


What is/ are the verbs in the sentence below? How many verbs are there?

The fire fighters sprayed the burning building with water. 

There is one verb. The verb is sprayed. 

What is the adverb in the sentence below. How many adverbs are there?

Harry tearfully told his mother that he had accidentally spilled milk on the couch. 

There are 2 adverbs. The adverbs are tearfully and accidentally.