This is an unrelated word or phrase that expresses emotion or strong feeling.
What is an interjection?
Identify the part of speech italicized in the sentence: "The girl ran quickly down the stairs for breakfast."
What is an adverb?
Takes the place of a possessive noun.
What is a possessive pronoun?
These nouns should be capitalized at all times.
What is a proper noun?
Adjectives that are formed from proper nouns and begin with a capital letter.
What is a proper adjective?
Identify if the noun that is italicized in the sentence is singular or plural: "The class went to the pumpkin patch."
What is singular?
Identify the part of speech that is italicized in the sentence: "Costa Rica touches both the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean."
What is a conjunction?
Identify the type of speech that is italicized in this sentence: "I went to the store this morning."
What is a preposition?
Intangible nouns are also known as these types of nouns.
What is an abstract noun
First-person, second-person, and third-person pronouns are what type of pronouns?
What is personal pronouns?
What is needed to make a sentence?
What is verb?
This joins two clauses in such a way to make one grammatically dependent on the other.
What is a subordinating conjunction?
This consists of a main verb and all its auxiliary, or helping, verbs.
What is a verb phrase?
Identify the type of verb italicized in this sentence: "Amelia was sick today, so she didn't come to school."
What is an auxiliary or linking verb?
This type of verb links, or joins, the subject of the sentence with an adjective or nominative (name).
What is a linking verb?
These are the article adjectives.
What is a, an, and the?
What type of noun is used in this sentence: "After his dog died, the "grief" overcame his life."
What is an abstract noun?
A group of words that contains a preposition.
What is a prepositional phrase?
Identify the part of speech italicized in the sentence: "No matter what happens, I promised my mom I'd run as fast as I can during my race."
What is an adverb?
These work in pairs to join words and groups of words of equal weight.
What is correlative conjunctions?