This part of speech names a person, place, thing, or idea.
What is a noun?
These verbs show action, like "run," "jump," or "think."
what are action verbs?
This part of speech describes a noun or pronoun
Prepositions show a relationship between a noun and another word, often describing ____, ____, or ____.
time, place or directions
These words, like "Wow!" and "Oh no!" express emotion and are often followed by an exclamation mark.
The noun "happiness" is an example of this type of noun
Abstrac noun
This type of verb helps the main verb in a sentence, like "is," "have," or "can
What is a helping verb?
The adjective in the sentence "The fluffy cat slept on the couch." is ____.
The preposition in the sentence "The book is on the table." is __
The eight parts of speech in English are ___
"noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection"
This type of pronoun replaces a noun and shows ownership, like "his" or "theirs."
what is a possessive pronoun?
The past tense of "go" is ____
Adverbs often end in this two-letter suffix
These tiny words, like "and," "but," and "or," connect words, phrases, or clauses
The function of a word in a sentence determines its ___
parts of speech
Audience" and "team" are examples of this type of noun that refers to a group acting as one unit.
what is a collective pronoun?
The difference between "lie" and "lay" is that "lie" means to recline, while "lay" means ____
What is "to put or place something down"?
This type of adjective compares two things, often ending in "-er," like "bigger" or "faster
comparative adjectives
"Because" and "although" are examples of this type of conjunction that connects dependent and independent clauses.
subordinating conjunction
The word "light" can be a noun, verb, or adjective. This makes it an example of a ___
"multiple-meaning word" (or "flexible part of speech")
In the sentence "She gave herself a break," "herself" is an example of this type of pronoun
what is a reflexive pronoun?
These verbs do not follow regular past tense patterns, such as "sing" changing to "sang."
What are irregular verbs?
This type of adverb modifies another adverb, adjective, or verb to intensify or limit meaning, like "very" or "somewhat."
adverbs of degree
Prepositional phrases always start with a preposition and end with ___
The phrase "Neither the teacher nor the students were late." shows proper subject-verb agreement with this type of conjunction.
correlative conjunction