The definition of a noun
What is a person, place, thing, idea, or event?
The definition of a verb
What is an action or state of being?
The definition of an adjective
What is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun?
The ending syllable of most adverbs
What is -ly?
The most used type of punctuation
What is a period?
The type of noun that always starts with an uppercase letter
What is a proper noun?
The minimum amount of verbs a sentence can have
What is one?
The result of adding a descriptive adjective to a noun
What is describing the noun with increased detail?
The figure of speech an adverb can't describe
What is a noun?
The punctuation used to separate words in a sentence or list
What are commas
The name of the type of noun that is a group of things
What is a collective noun?
The definition of an action verb
What is a verb that something does?
The result of adding a comparative adjective to two nouns
What is comparing the two nouns?
The result of adding an adverb to another adverb
What is making the sentence awkward?
The result of adding a question mark to the end of a sentence
What is making the sentence a question?
The number of different types of nouns
The definition of a linking verb
What is a verb that shows a state of being or links a noun with other words?
The result of adding a superlative adjective to multiple nouns
What is comparing the nouns and show which is the most?
The result of adding an adverb to an adjective
What is an increase in intensity?
The result of adding an exclamation mark to the end of a sentence
What is emphasising the sentence?
The way a noun can be used similarly to an adjective
What is in a compound word?
The definition of a helping verb
What is a verb that connects with an action verb to give extra information?
The number of different types of adjectives
What is 3?
The result of adding adverbs to whole sentences
What is changing the feeling of the whole sentence?
The difference between colons and semicolons
What is colons are used for lists, explanations, or quotations and semicolons are used to linked independant clauses?