What is a noun?
A person, place, thing, or idea
What is an action verb?
What is the function of a pronoun?
Replaces a noun
What is the purpose of an adjective?
Describe/modify nouns and pronouns
What is the 2 uses of an adverb?
Describe/modify verbs,and intesify adjectives.
What is a Common noun?
A noun that is general and not concrete on an specific thing, person or place.
What is a linking verb?
A verb that links the subject to more information about it. Usually is not something you decide to do.
Give three examples of a personal pronoun.
I, me, my, you, your, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers, they, them, theirs, we, us, our
Find the adjective in the following sentence: Taylor swiftly walked her incredibly golden dog.
Adverbs usually, but not always, end in...
What is a Proper noun? An give 2 examples
A noun that is specific and normally has a Proper name.
Mention the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs.
Transitive verbs require an object to follow them. Intransitive verbs can finish the sentence in the verb, without an object.
What is added to reflexive pronouns?
-self or -selves
Adjectives made from Verbs are called...
And give an example
Participial Adjectives.
Example with -ed or -ing adjective
Find the adverb in the following sentence and what type of adverb is:
Taylor walked her incredibly golden dog.
incredibly - Degree
How many nouns are in the following sentence?
Mrs. Smith likes music, specifically indie bands.
3 - Mrs. Smith, Music and indie bands
What kind of verbs are present in the following sentence? ( transitive or intransitive)
I grow zucchini in my garden, while my daughter sleeps.
grow - transitive
sleeps - intransitive
What is the difference between object pronoun and subject pronoun?
The subject pronoun makes the action and goes before the verb.
The object pronoun receives the action and goes after the verb.
What suffixes are used in short adjectives in their comparative and superlative form?
-est or -st
Mention the 6 types of adverbs.
Manner, Place, Time, Frequency, Degree and Affirmation.
How many nouns are in the following sentence?
How To Train Your Dragon is one of Mrs. Stoesz's favorite movies.
How many and What kind of verbs are present in the following sentence?
She was becoming the greatest lawyer.
Was - Helping
Becoming - Linking
Mention at least 3 types of pronouns.
Personal, Possessive, Indefinite, Reflexive and Demonstrative
What are the comparative and superlative of these adjectives?. (with ALL the words and suffixes needed.)
Expensive AND cheap
More expensive than / The most expensive
Cheaper than / The cheapest
What are the five questions adverbs (of manner, place, time, degree, and frequency) answer?
How?, Where?, when?, How intense?, and How often?