Where is your hair?
on your head
Name something that is in your mouth?
teeth and tongue
What is your fifth finger called(hint it is the fattest and smallest)?
What is at the center of your belly?
belly button
What is between your eyes?
your nose
What part of the body are your fingers attached to?
Your hands
Where do we wear watches and bracelets?
The wrist
What is at the end of our fingers? (Some people make them different colors)
What is something you have two of on your face?
eyebrows and eyes
What part of the body do we use to kick?
What part of your body is under your sholder? Hint; It can be very ticklish.
What do you listen with?
your ears
What do we call yellow hair in English?
What body part helps you bend your leg?
Your knee
What part of the body do we use to run?
Your leg
What part of the body is at the very bottom of your face?
Your chin
What color eyes does Ms Mackenzie have?
What part of the body helps you bend your arm?
What part of the body do you throw a ball with?
Your arms
How many horns does this monster have?