What is the swirly part of my instrument?
What is the scroll.
This is the long black part of the instrument.
What is the fingerboard.
We have 2 bouts on the instrument... what are they?
What are the Upper and C bouts.
What are the pegs.
When the piece of wood connects to the fingerboard... this is called the _____.
What is the neck.
There are 2 of me on your instrument. This is where the sound comes out of the instrument...
What are the f holes.
The 4 pegs go through this part of the instrument and you can see your strings wound up in here.
What is the peg box.
I am the small piece of wood on the instrument. I am right between the two f holes. What am I?
What is the bridge?
I am right at the bottom of the peg box.
What is the nut.
You have the 4 pegs on the top of the instrument. You also have 4 _____ _____. These are screwed into the tail piece...
For violins and violas, this is where you rest your chin.
What is the chin rest.
At the bottom of the instrument we have the __________ _______ for violins and violas. For the cello and the bass, this is called the _____ _______.