this is when we bring the bread and wine to the altar
What is the Presentation of the Gifts
Our response to "May the Lord be with you"...
What is the "and with your spirit"?
Our plea asking for God's mercy
What is Lord, Have Mercy
During the Communion Rite, we pray the way Jesus taught us
What is the Our Father
a hymn praising God
What is Gloria
After receiving the Final Blessing, we are sent out in this to love and serve the Lord
What is peace
priest's words to us at after the Sign of the Cross
What is the Greeting?
This is what we receive in the Eucharist
Jesus's Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity or the Real Presence of Jesus
The action of kneeling as we leave our pew
What is to genuflect or genuflection.
when the priest kisses the altar
What is the veneration or reverencing of the altar
this is when we bring our needs to God
What are the Universal Prayers (or General Intercessions)
the reason we use holy water and bless our selves
What is to remind us of our Baptism