We sing this as the priest enters the church.
This reading is usually taken from the Old Testament.
This is carried to the altar along with wine during the Offertory.
This song is sung as the Mass ends.
This part of the Mass involves the priest reading and explaining Scripture.
The priest does this sacred gesture to the altar at the beginning of Mass.
After the first reading, we sing or recite this response.
The priest mixes wine with this in the chalice.
The priest says, "Go in peace glorifying the Lord by your life," and we respond with this.
This sacred item is used to hold the wine during Mass.
We make this gesture while saying, "In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
What is the sign of the cross?
This reading is typically taken from the New Testament letters.
We offer this gesture of goodwill to one another after the Eucharistic Prayer.
Before leaving, the priest blesses the congregation with these words.
This action symbolizes cleansing and purity before the priest handles the Eucharist.
During this part, we acknowledge our sins and ask God for forgiveness.
We sing or say this word of praise before the Gospel is proclaimed.
This prayer begins with "Our Father, who art in heaven..."
This is the official term for the part of Mass when the priest sends us forth to live out our faith.
This term refers to the bread and wine becoming the Body and Blood of Christ.
This hymn is sung to give glory to God.
The priest delivers this after the Gospel to explain and reflect on the readings.
The priest says, "Behold the Lamb of God" while holding this.
The final prayer after Communion is known as this.