Before we listen to the Word of God we make this prayer to confess our sins and ask the Lord's mercy.
Penitential Rite ( I confess to Almighty God) and/or
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy
On Sundays a family may bring up the bread and wine and contributions offered to the church and for the poor to the altar and give it to the priest. This is called.
The Offertory
Another name for the Lord's Prayer.
The Our Father
This is known as the Preface Acclamation and is usually sung beginning with these words
Holy holy holy!
On Sundays this prayer is usually sung immediately after the Penitential Rite or I confess to Almighty God.
Glory to God in the Highest
On Sundays the first reading is usually taken from this part of the bible.
Old Testament
At Mass we pray the Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed that begin with these words.
I believe in God or I believe in one God
If one is not going to receive Holy Communion he or she may go up for this.
A Blessing
This follows the Glory to God prayer (sung on Sundays) and two parishioners read from Scripture (Old Testament and New Testament) and the priest reads the Gospel. This part of the Mass is called.
Liturgy of the Word
The second reading on Sundays comes from this part of the bible.
New Testament
In this part of the Mass the priest begins with the words, 'Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your apostles, Peace I leave you, my peace I give you.' Then the people turn to each other and give this sign.
Sign of peace (the Rite of Peace)
If one is going up for a blessing at Communion he or she will do this action to show the priest he/she wants a blessing.
Cross his or her arms across the chest.
After the Gospel reading by the priest (or a deacon) the priest (or deacon) gives a talk explaining the scriptures. This is called.
A Homily
The second reading on Sundays is usually an epistle from St. Paul. Another name for epistle is.
A letter
When the priest says 'the Lord be with you' the people respond with this.
And with your Spirit
Another term for the Mass.
Eucharistic Celebration
After the homily just before preparations are made for the Eucharist (Offertory part of the Mass) a parishioner comes up to the lecture and prays for the needs of the church and the world. The people respond 'Lord hear our prayer'. This is called.
The Intercessions or Intercession Prayers or Prayers of the Faithful
This section of the Mass includes the Preparation of the Gifts (Bread and Wine), Eucharistic Prayer (changing of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ), the Lord's Prayer, and receiving Communion.
Liturgy of the Eucharist
This happens at the Consecration of the bread and wine.
The bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ (Jesus).
Eucharist is a Greek word that means.