This color represents Ordinary time
What is green?
This is the first part of the Mass where we prepare to celebrate the Eucharist.
What are the Introductory Rites?
During this part of the Liturgy of the Word, we respond to God's word in song.
What is the Responsorial Psalm?
This prayer is said together as a church community during the Liturgy of the Eucharist and includes the following "and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil".
What is the Lord's Prayer? (or What is the Our Father?)
This feast day is when we celebrate the lives of the Saints.
What is All Saints Day (November 1st)?
This color represents the seasons of Advent and Lent.
What is purple?
In this part of the Mass, we listen to God's plan of salvation.
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
The priest gives this talk to explain God's word from the Old and New Testaments and the Gospel.
What is the homily?
During this prayer of thanksgiving, which is the high point of the Mass, the bread & wine are consecrated and truly become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
What is the Eucharistic prayer?
On this day of the year, we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
What is December 25th?
This color represents the third week of Advent.
What is pink?
This is the part of the Mass in which we celebrate Christ's TRUE presence in the Eucharist.
What is the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
During this part of the Mass, we respond together as a church community to proclaim our faith through the Nicene Creed.
What is the Profession of Faith?
During this part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we offer one another a sign of Christ's peace.
What is the Sign of Peace?
On this feast day, we celebrate when Jesus ascended into heaven.
What is the Feast of the Ascension?