We say this short word, which means "Truth" or "So be it," at the end of prayers.
What is "Amen?"
This is our reply after receiving the Eucharist from the Priest, Deacon, or Extraordinary Minister, who says, "The Body (or Blood) or Christ."
What is "Amen?"
This is a reading from the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.
We sing the Entrance Chant during this part of the Mass.
What is the "Introductory Rites?"
This prayer, said at the beginning of the Communion Rite, is also known "The Lord's Prayer." We have practiced this prayer a few times.
What is "Our Father?"
This is our response after the priest says, "Peace be with you," or "The Lord be with you."
What is "And with your spirit?"
This is something that is said or done the same way every time for a reason.
What is a Rite?
This an old word for song. We sing a "Responsorial" version of this between the First and Second Readings.
What is a Psalm?
This is also considered a short prayer or Rite, accompanied by actions, which is said and done at the beginning and the end of the Mass. Catholics do this before and after every prayer.
What is the Sign of the Cross?
This is a response to the Universal Prayer petitions, also called the Prayer of the Faithful, the last part of the Liturgy of the Word. After each request for intercession from God, the Deacon or minister may say, "Let us pray to the Lord."
What is, "Lord hear our prayer."
The Final Blessing takes place during this part of the Mass.
What is the "Concluding Rites?"
This Song of Praise is one of the last parts of the Introductory Rites.
What is The Gloria?
This word means "belief." We say the Apostle's or Nicene version of this "Profession of Faith" after the Homily during the Liturgy of the Word.
What is "The Creed?"
At the end of the First and Second readings, the reader will say, "The word of the Lord," and this is the response of the assembly (people).
What is, "Thanks be to God?"
This is the part of Mass where we make Communion. We participate in the sacrament as a community.
What is the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
We sing this before Communion. It's one of the ways we refer to Jesus, honoring his sacrifice, as a beautiful creature.
What is the "Lamb of God?"
The congregation remains kneeling after Communion, in silent prayer and meditation, until the remaining consecrated Eucharist is placed inside this container on the altar and it is closed.
What is the Tabernacle?
This response, repeated after the priest or deacon, is part of the Penetential Act, said during the Introductory Rites. It is the English translation of "Christe, eléison."
What is "Christ, have mercy?"
This is the part of the Mass where the Priest or Deacon preaches, often explains the readings, shows us how they apply to our lives, and inspires us to live what we have just heard from God's Word.
What is the Homily?
During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we often sing the "Holy, holy, holy" acclamation and a proclamation of the mystery of our faith before the priest performs this act, which transforms the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus.
What is "The Consecration?"