What is the Intordutory Rites?
It is when we gather to form a worship community
What dos Liturgy of the Word?
It is when the Scrupture are read
What are the gifts of the altar?
The gifts are the bread and wine
What is an other name for the for the Are Father?
The Lords Prayer
What is the Concluding Rite?
It is when the priest gives us Gods blessing
What is the Enteren?
It is when we sing the opening song and the Priest kisses the altar
What is read during the first reading.
Usaly from the old Testament
What is the prayer over Offering?
Its were the priest leads us in praying the prayer Over Offerings
What do we do during the Rite of Peace?
We shake hands
What happens during the greeting?
The priest says "The Lord be with" and we respone "End with your spirt "
The priest leads us in saying the Sign of the ________.
What is the Responsorial Song?
It is a reading From the Of psalms
What is the Eucharistic prayer?
It is when we call on the Holy sprit to make the bread and wine the body and blood of christ
What does Breaking the bread mean?
It means the priest is breaking the host
During the blessing we __________ are heads.
What is the Pentaitl Act?
It is when we admit our sins
What Part of the Bible is the Second reading form?
It is form the New testament
What is the Doxolodgy?
It is when the priest finishes the Eucharistic prayer
What do we do during Communion?
We recive the body and blood of christ
While we bow are heads the priest _______ us.
What is the Collect?
It is when the Priest says the opening prayer
What is the Homily?
It is when the Priests or deacon explains the readings
What does the priest pray for during the Eucharistic prayer?
He prays for the Church, and those being baptised
When the priest is done saying the prayer what do we respone?
we respone Amen
What happens during the dismissal?
The priest or deacon sends us forth on a mission, and we sing the closing song