The Entrance Antiphon is also known as?
The Gathering Song
What is the Gospel?
A scripture from the priest.
What’s the Lord’s Prayer?
The Our Father
What does the priest wish for the people to d when they leave the church?
Go out and spread the word?
What does it mean when the deacon explains to us what the reading means?
Communion is the?
Body and Blood of our Lord
What happens after the concluding prayer?
When we confess on what we believe it is called the Profession of what?
The priest calls the Holy Spirit to change the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
What is Epiclesis?
The Penitential Act ask God to what?
Ask God to forgive our sins/Brick wall
The Gospel Acclamation means?
Say or sing the Lamb of God. Ask Jesus for his mercy, forgiveness, and peace.
What is the Fraction of the Bread?
What does the Collect prayer express?
Prayer expreses the need and hopes of assembly.
What reading he;lps us understand God better?
the second reading.
We recall Jesus’ words at the Last Supper and the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood.
What is Institution narrative and Consecration of the bread and wine?