the priest says the lord be with you
The bead and wine are brought up to the alter
Preparation of the alter and gifts
we say the our father
the lord's prayer
the priest tells us to bow are heads and he blesses us
The priest finishes the eucharistic prayer
we shake hands with those around us
rite of peace
the priest or deacon sends us forth
The priest leads us praying over the offerings
The prayer over the offerings
the priest breaks the host
the breaking of bread
name the steps of concluding rites in order
greeting, blessing, dismissal
We call down the holy spirit to make the bread and wine holy so that they become the body and blood of christ
Eucharistic prayer
we receive the body and blood of Christ
name the parts of the mass in order
Introductory rites, liturgy of the word, liturgy of the eucharist, communion rites, concluding rites
we join the priest by praying the church's prayer of thanksgiving
The priest says "let us pray" then he says a prayer
prayer after Communion