this is when the priest blesses the gifts that will become the body and blood of Jesus
What is the consecration
Final words we say at mass
What is the "Thanks be to God"?
The words we use to show trust in God's mercy
What is Lord, Have Mercy
a hymn praising God
What is Gloria
Glorify the Lord with our Lives
What are we sent out to do at the end of mass?
The meaning of the word Eucharist
What is "thanksgiving"
When we make the sign of the cross and the priest prays a prayer that asks for grace for all of us. We respond, "Amen."
What is the Greeting?
this is a letter written, often from St. Paul, to a group of Christians. It is usually the Second Reading.
What is an epistle?
when the priest kisses the altar
What is Introductory Rites (Entrance Chant)
this is when we bring our needs to God
What is the General Intercessions or Prayers of the Faithful