What does the root do?
take in nutrients and water and hold the plant firmly into place
The stem takes _____ to the other parts of the plant
water and nutrients
Usually, what color are the leaves?
An example of fruit we can eat
Apple, tomato, orange...
What would happen if roots could not find water?
The plant wouldn't grow
The roots take in ______ and _______ from the soil
water and nutrients
The stem takes water from the _____
The leaf makes _______ for the plant
Is the tomato a fruit?
Roots always grow in this direction
The roots hold the _____ to the ground
What grows off the stem?
The leaf takes water from the ______?
What does the flower do?
it produces fruits and seeds
Stems always grow in this direction
An example of root we can eat
Potato, beet, carrot
An example of stem that we can eat
What do the seeds do?
They grow into a new plant
An example of a flower you can eat
boccoli, couliflower
What do plants need to grow?
Nutrients, water, air, time, room to grow and sunlight
What is the difference between a root and a leaf?
Roots are generally brown and leaves green
Roots grow down and leaves grow up
Roots are down on the floor and leaves up on the trees
What does the stem/trunk does?
It holds up the plant and takes the water and nutrients to the leaves
Give an example of leaves that you can eat
Lettuce, cabbage
What does the fruit do?
It protects the seeds
All living things do