Who is the Republican that was assassinated
Abraham Lincoln
receive almost no pay, just a small amount of the crops
Congress plan
While Lincoln wanted to be fair to the South, many Radical Republicans felt that Lincoln’s plan was too lenient.
Who are the KKK(Klu Klux Klan)
the people that used violence to frighten African Americans
Tenant farmers
owned animals equipment and supplies. unlike sharecroppers
Reconstruction amendments
were 13th 14th and 15th part of the civil rights
General T Sherman
a union general that burned down Atlanta
What did the civil war do to the south
hurt Georgia's cotton production
13th amendment
an amendment that abolished slavery
President Johnson
was committed to carry out Lincoln's Reconstruction plan
Freedmen bureau
established more than 4,000 schools, freed slaves, and helped with education
14th amendment
gave citizenship to all people that were born in the U.S
Who are the confederates and the union,
union is the northern part of the U.S that have factories, they need stuff from the confederates. confederates are the southern part of the U.S that makes cotton.
there were a higher population of freed black slaves who were uneducated
15th admendment
Gave African Americans the right to vote