what is an action word
What is the person or thing doing the action
Direct object
what is the recipient of an action verb
What is the word that follows a linking verb
a word that expresses the state of being, the way that it is
Janice created a beautiful piece of artwork
Janice is the subject
Indirect object
what is the person or thing to whom or for whom the action is done.
The soup tasted salty
salty is the predicate word
The boy should have ran home on Friday afternoon.
what is action verb
Suzy threw the ball
ball is the direct object
Thomas was talking to Suzy but she appeared tired.
Talking is an action verb; appeared is a linking verb
Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system
Suzy threw the remote to Catherine
ball is direct object; catherine is the indirect object
The boys had been to California before
California is the predicate word
The water appears clearer than before
What is the linking verb
She gave her dog a bath before they went away on vacation
Her dog - indirect object; a bath - direct object
_______ follows a linking verb, and ________ follow action verbs
what are predicate words and direct objects