How many funds must each student research and enter into their spreadsheet?
How many mutual fund asset classes are we researching?
What is the type of mutual fund which invests in rapidly growing companies?
When researching mutual funds, WHY do we look at the filtered parameters first before reviewing the rest of the fund parameters?
Because if the funds to not meet these 3 parameters, then we do NOT want to list these funds in our portfolios.
What is the investment which pools together investors to invest in stocks?
Mutual Funds
What is the MF asset class which invests in companies >$10B?
Large Cap
What is the type of mutual fund which invests in companies where the stock price is trading less than actually worth?
What is the MF filter which is based on commissions called?
Sales Load
What does the parameter Top 5 represent?
The Top 5 stocks in the mutual fund
What is the name of the research website we are using to find data on mutual funds?
What is the MF asset class which invests in companies $2B to $10B?
Mid Cap
What is the type of mutual fund which invests in both growth and value mutual funds?
What is the MF filter which is based on how much you pay the fund manager called?
Expense Ratio
If Beta > 1.00, is the fund more risky or less risky?
More risky
What is the name of this team project (give the exact name)?
Team Investment Challenge
What is the MF asset class which invests in companies <$2B?
Small Cap
What is the mutual fund category which divides mutual funds by 11 ________?
What is the MF filter which is based on the ____ ____ (two words) balance?
IRA Minimum
What does the parameter, "inception date" represent?
The date the mutual fund was initially opened
What are the 4 different students roles on each team?
What is the MF asset class which invests in companies outside the USA?
What is the formula for market capitalization?
Number of shares outstanding x Stock Price= Market Capitalization
What are the values of the three (3) filtered parameters?
1) Sales Load=0
2) Exp Ratio <=1
3) IRA Min Balance <=$1,000
What does the parameter Beta represent?
The volatility or risk of the mutual fund