This yellow mouse expresses a shocked emotion
fourth rock from the sun
Honorary Webmaster
Big Chungus
Which show is shinji in a chair from
Neon Genesis Evangelion
A sad green frog
A circumstellar disc in the solar system, that begins after Neptune (30 AU)
Most anticipated yearly event
Cubby Brawl
"There is no tooth fairy, there is no easter bunny, there is no Queen of England"
Is a quote from which movie
A shiba inu
The solar system is __ years old
4.6 Billion
the name of the cubbies
Sarah 2.0
this popular rabbit is often shown in support of a a certain political ideology
Communist bugs bunny
Catch phrase from Star fox 64
Do a barrel roll
a telescope sitting at the second langrage point
James Webb Telescope
who won cubby brawl 2022
"Is mayonnaise an instrument?"
Was asked by which popular cartoon character
Patrick Star
That Futurama guy holding money
Shut up and take my money
This planet spins sideways
which dogo is featured on the first pet of the week post on PASA's instagram
"This is Doug Dimmadome of the Dimsdale Dimmadone"
Is a quote from which childrens TV series
The Fairly odd parents