The sum of the terms in the first row
The first term in the second row
What is 1C0 1
Number of terms in the fifth row
What is 5
The best fast food "restaurant"
What is Taco Bell
The sum of the terms in row 4
What is 23 or 8
The second term in the 8th row
What is 7C1 or 7
Number of terms in the 100th row
What is 100
Ms. Bayley's first name
What is Erica
The sum of the terms in row 10
What is 29 or 512
The 8th term in the 11th row
What is 10C7 or 120
Number of terms in the 201st row
The name of the triangle we are studying
What is Pascal's Triangle
The sum of the terms in the (n+1)th row
What is 2n
The third last term in the 7th row
What is 6C4 or 15
Number of terms in the nth row
What is n
The types of pets Ms. Bayley has
What is a dog, bird, and cat
The sum of the terms in the (n-2)th row
What is 2(n-3)
The rth term in the nth row
What is n-1Cr-1
Number of terms in the (n-10)th row
The two ways you can update marks
What is corrections and lesson video