Random: Canada
Admin Detention/Refugees
Random: International
The Exam
What is a security certificate?
- The state Detains an individual for an indefinite amount of time - applies to non-citizens - you do not know what you are under arrest for but you are placed under arrest- may face house arrest or prison
How does the torturer achieve their goals?
- make them believe as if their fate was in their hands - keep them confused/disoriented to prevent them from devel. coping techniques - degrade/humiliate - abuse prisoners to cause physical and mental suffering
What is administrative detention?
The procedure of administrative detention is conducted under a veil of secrecy and in violation of the right of the detainee to defence. It enables a person to be held in detention without evidence and without trial on the basis of classified intelligence alleging that he constitutes a security risk.
What happened during the Mai Lai Massacre
- Massacre began in 1968 when American soldiers entered the small village of My Lai, thought to be the base of the 48th Viet Cong Local Forces - By lunchtime they had founded up 500 unarmed civilians and killed them - Members of the Charlie Company had raped women, tore them up with knives, bayoneted civilians, scalped corpses and slaughtered animals - Other soldiers wept openly as this occurred - At no stage did the soldiers receive an enemy fire of encounter any form of resistance
What should you write before starting your essay?
An outline
12. What are 6 criticisms of Security Certificates as shown in reading P?
1) standard of proof is lower/ judge can accept evidence not normally admissible 2) 2007 Supreme Court found secret trials to be unconstitutional 3) Would not withstand a Charter challenge
What are the objective's of torture?
- Punish Dissendents - Gather info - Force the prisoner to incriminate - Deter from political activity
7. How are refugee movements caused?
- related to failed and fragile states - war, persecution, ethic strife, weak inst, socio-economic inequality - gov’ts/non state actors take steps for ethnic cleansing = forcing out the “enemy” - difficulties in building durable state structures leading to domestic conflict
What happened to Calley after the Mai Lai Massacre?
- Lieutenant William L Calley was tried by a jury of six combat veterans with violating article 118, murder of the uniform code of military justice - At the end of March 1971, after hearing the testimony of over a hundred witnesses, he was sentenced to loss of all pay, dismissal for the army and confinement with hard labour for life for murder
How many short questions do you need to answer out of 8?
8. What are six distinct points under “punishing visibility, hate crime” or… six facts about Muslims/Islamophobia in Canada
1) 54% of Canadians held an unfavourable view of Islam in 2013 2) Canadians who believe that Islam identity is bad cite treatment of women and girls 3) Media creates them as the enemy 4) Muslims represent 15% of all hate crimes motivates by religion 5) Centres of worship frequently targeted –arson 6) Muslims becoming increasingly visible, however those most vulnerable to hate are those in activism
3. How do the ways that a torturer achieves their goals relate to the Marcus Arruda case?
-make them believe as if their fate was in their hands- put gun up to his head - Keep them disoriented- taken to hospital, told he would die degrade/humiliate- forced to strip down - abuse- electric shock
7. What severe human rights problems occur in the countries to which the refugees flee?
1) wages below nat. level 2) subject to discrim. 3)can be expelled from homes without recourse 4) Without legal status they do not have access to health care, education, and receive seldom adequate assistance from int./national agencies
What are three tactics used by the protesters of Cochabamba?
- People from al social groups came together - Defended themselves with stones, threw back tear gas canisters - Demanded changes in the law with a series of blockades - The city, major highways were all shut down, protestors used to rock piles and trees to build road blockades
How many essay choices will there be? How many will you need to write?
4 choices, 1 essay
6. What are four examples of how political dissent was criminalized during the G20?
1) Political thought and expression- holding a belief, a crim. Act 2) Community Organizers – targeted community organizers, harassed by CSIS 3) Knowing your rights- lawyers phone #, knowing your rights flyer 4) Criminalization of the protester- protections taken away/ bamboo sticks/ contact lenses/ flags
4. Why are exhumations important?
- Overcoming fear, breaking silence - Esteem, identity - Re-unification of torn communities - Practical need - A proper burial
What are the critiques of administrative detention?
1) No transparency/ no evidence revealed, so detainee cannot properly defend 2) Prolonged sentences 3) Can administer arrests in houses/alternative measures 4) AD used as a tool persuading someone to collaborate – e.g. if he did not accept the offer to collaborate he would return to AD
10. How did sanctions have a negative impact on the Iraqi population?( 4 reasons)
1) Could not rebuild productive facilities /factories 2) Could not rebuild destroyed infrastructure 3) Not enough medical support = 40 babies dying per day 4) Note enough food supplies = malnourishment, prices doubled
How long is the exam and how long should you spend on the essay?
- 3 hours - 1/2
Health Inequalities result from....
2) Access to and Quality of Health Care services 4) Differences in Material Living Circumstances 5) Material living circumstances shaped by public policy 6) Economic and Political structures and their justifying ideologies
7. Why do refugees face severe human rights problems in the countries to which they flee?
Why: no legal protection, lack of documents= living on the margins of society
9. What are the four different reason used to downplay the actions of William Calley and his men?
1) Those serving were poorly educated, immature 2) Calley, and other soldiers said “we were just obeying orders.” There are huge consequences for disobeying in the military
What is the date, time and location of the exam?
Sat. April 23, 2-5pm, Fieldhouse