Oh brother, this guy STINKS!
“Beth is a good girl.”
Theresa burned it down
The burger hut
They were married irl
Lindsay Hartley and Justin Hartley
LeTara's nickname for Eve
Dr. Death
She works as a Candy Stripper at Harmony Hospital among several other jobs.
Jessica Bennett
"You screw up everything Tabitha."
Zombie Charity
Kay burned it down
The Lopez Fitzgerald Home
She Played Vickie on Falcon Crest
Dana Sparks
The fathers of Eve's children
LeTara thinks this character is actually a double agent for the dark side.
Father Lonigan
“All I want to do is love Miguel and have his babies.”
This is where Liz's hotel is located
St. Lisa's Island
He played Martin on the Mexican drama Monarca.
James Hyde
Eve's Medical Specialty
All of them
She bought Kay's soul.
“Stuff it, Crane.”
The island where Charity talked to that tree that one time
Warlock Island
He Played Dr. Keith Dudemeister on Scrubs.
Travis Schuldt
Eve's maiden name
He is the LAW
“The forces of evil are fighting the transmission of good.”
Father Lonigan
Sally Chen’s House of Noodles
She is the daughter of an actor and a Playwright
Juliet Mills
He was run down in cold blood by Eve