Bepul yetkazib berish
free delivery
Jack will use his laptop
The laptop will be used by Jack
tog'ga peshkom chiqish
Saboy ob ketish
take away
I redecorate my room every summer
My room is redecorated every summer
Taksi kecha oyim tomonidan to'xtatildi
The taxi was stopped by my mother yesterday
Alkogolsiz ichimliklar
soft drinks
kechgi ovqat u tomonidan ertaga tayyorlaniladi
Dinner will be prepared by him tomorrow
Name 5 characters from The woman who disappeared
Lenny Samuel
Helene Garfield
Elene garfield
Benny Grip
Sergant Murphy
What happened to Benny Grip?
he was killed in his bathroom
Jinoyatchi politsiya tomonidan qo'lga olindi
Criminal has been arrested by a police officer
He didn't freeze the vegetables
The vegetables weren't frozen by him
She is selling her old car on Ebay
Her old car is being sold on Ebay
He has been reading ,Harry Potter, for 2 hours
dengiz manzarali xona
room with the view of sea
The father kissed his baby on the head
The baby was kissed on his head by his father
Barcha to'lovlar ichida bo'gan sayohat turi
a package holiday
Telefon bolalar tomonidan buzildi
The phone was broken by the boys
In spite of/despite
Make sentences 2
All tenses passive structures
Kino ertagacha biz tomonimizdan tomosha qilib bo'linadi
The movie will have been watched by us by tomorrow
They have to follow rules
Rules have to be followed by them