Seder Plate
Multiples of Four
Ten Plagues
Jews in the Media
Random Passover Facts

This part of the Seder plate, called maror, represents the bitter experience of Hebrew slaves.

What are the bitter herbs?


One of these did not know how to ask questions- but you do!

Who are the four children?


These little guys were lean, green, fly-eating machines. They probably would have come in handy during the locust phase of the Plagues.

What are frogs?


This cartoon about talking babies going on adventures together showed not only an episode about Hanukkah, but also an episode about Passover.

What is The Rugrats?


He was the first President to bring a Passover Seder into the White House.

Who is President Obama?


The salt water in which we dip our parsley reminds us of this bodily secretion.

What are tears?


After the Exodus, the Israelites spent this long wandering in the desert.

What is 40 years?

This is Simon and Garfunkel's old friend. Care to say hello?

What is darkness?


This feature-length animated movie made by Dreamworks told the story of Moses and the Exodus (and was a musical with an amazing soundtrack).

What is The Prince of Egypt?


In Ye Olden Days, Passover was celebrated at the same time that this grain was ready to harvest, in order to make sure that Passover occurred before springtime.

What is barley?


The mixture of apples, walnuts, and wine/apple juice, called haroset, reminds us of this mixture the Hebrews used to build for the Egyptians.

What is mortar?


The youngest child is supposed to stand on a chair and read these. Elizabeth is excellent at this.

What are the four questions?


You hope and you pray that your children don't bring this home from school. And if they do, you'd better have mayonnaise in the fridge.

What are lice?

This comedy-drama series on Amazon Prime follows the journey of Miriam Maisel, a 1950s Jewish woman, and her family as she gives up her normal life to become a stand-up comedian.

What is The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel?

He is the religious zealot who we hope will come to our Passover table every year. In previous years, we attempted to lure him with red Powerade.

Who is Elijah?


This part of the Seder plate symbolizes the green of spring.

What is the karpas? (OR green vegetables)


According to tradition, the Israelites spent approximately this much time in Egypt.

What is 400 years?


In arguably the most tragic of the Plagues, Mary Rachel would have died. Elizabeth would have probably still turned out fine.

What is death of the firstborn?


This 90s TV show features a brother and sister duo, named Ross and Monica Geller, who are Jewish. Ross teaches his son, who is half-Jewish and half-Catholic, about Hanukkah using a man dressed as an armadillo.

What is Friends?


This food was a record-breaking 106" wide and weighed 448 lbs. It took a forklift to pick it up and a scale attached to a crane to weigh it.

What is the world's largest matzoh ball?


This is the part of the Seder plate that symbolizes the mourning of the destruction of Jerusalem. Also, one time in college, Elizabeth made one of these explode by microwaving it.

What is a roasted egg?


Led by Moses, this occurred about 4000 years ago.

What was the Exodus?


When water is heated to 212°F, this is what happens.

What are boils?


This 90's TV show changed the way Jews were depicted in the media, thanks to the observational comedic stylings of Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David.

What is Seinfeld?


For over 30 years, this city in Nepal has been home to the world's largest Seder, with over 1,000 annual attendees.

What is Katmandu?