Password Basics
Creating Strong Passwords
Recognizing Phishing Attempts
Password Management
Staying Safe Online

What is a password?

A password is a secret combination of characters (letters, numbers, and symbols) used to access a computer system, online account, or device.


What should you avoid when creating a password?

You should avoid using easily guessable information like your name, birthdate, common words, or sequences (e.g., "12345").


What is phishing, and why is it a threat to your online security?

Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details, by disguising as a trustworthy entity. It's a threat because it can trick people into revealing their personal information.


What is a password manager, and how does it help you stay secure online?

A password manager is a tool that helps you generate, store, and manage complex and unique passwords for all your online accounts. It helps you stay secure by creating strong passwords and remembering them for you.


Name three online activities where you should always use a strong password.

You should always use strong passwords for online banking, email accounts, social media accounts, and any accounts containing sensitive information.


Why is it important to have a unique password for each online account?

It's important because if one password is compromised, having unique passwords for different accounts prevents unauthorized access to all of your accounts.


Why is it a bad idea to use easily guessable information in your password, like your birthday or pet's name?

It's a bad idea because this information can be easily discovered by others, making your password less secure.


Name one common method that cybercriminals use to trick people into revealing their passwords.

One common method is sending fake emails that appear to be from legitimate sources, asking for login credentials or personal information.


Describe the process of changing a password for one of your online accounts.

To change a password, you typically go to the account settings, select the option to change your password, and follow the prompts to create a new, secure password.


Why should you log out of your accounts when using public computers?

Logging out prevents others from accessing your accounts and potentially using them maliciously on shared or public computers.


Name two characteristics of a strong password.

Strong passwords are long, use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, and are not easily guessable.


Give an example of a strong password that includes letters, numbers, and special characters.

Example: "P@ssw0rd$ecure!"


How can you check if an email asking for your password is legitimate or a phishing attempt?

You can check by looking for signs of phishing, such as suspicious email addresses, misspellings, or unexpected requests for personal information. Always verify the sender's identity.


How can you keep track of multiple passwords for different accounts without writing them down?

You can use a password manager to securely store and organize your passwords, making it easy to access them when needed.


What should you do if you suspect that your password has been compromised?

If you suspect your password has been compromised, change it immediately, and enable two-factor authentication if available. Monitor your accounts for any suspicious activity.


What is a passphrase, and how is it different from a password?

A passphrase is a longer sequence of words or a sentence used as a password. It's different from a password because it's typically longer and more secure.


Explain what two-factor authentication (2FA) is and why it's important.

2FA is an extra layer of security that requires you to provide two forms of identification (typically something you know, like a password, and something you have, like a smartphone) to access your account. It's important because it adds an additional barrier against unauthorized access.


What should you do if you receive a suspicious email or message asking for your password?

Do not click on any links or provide any information. Instead, report the suspicious message to the legitimate organization and delete it.


Explain the concept of "password hygiene" and why it's important.

Password hygiene refers to good practices related to password security, such as using strong, unique passwords, not sharing them, and regularly updating them. It's important to protect your online accounts from unauthorized access.


Name two additional security measures you can use to protect your online accounts, besides strong passwords and 2FA.

You can use security questions, biometric authentication (like fingerprint or facial recognition), and regularly update your software and apps as additional security measures.


Explain why you should never share your password with anyone, even a friend.

Sharing your password, even with a friend, can lead to unauthorized access or misuse of your accounts. It's important to keep passwords secret to protect your online security.


How often should you change your passwords for important online accounts, and why?

You should change your passwords regularly, typically every 3-6 months, to reduce the risk of someone using a stolen password. Regularly changing passwords adds an extra layer of security.


Explain why it's crucial to verify the sender's identity before sharing any personal information online.

Verifying the sender's identity helps ensure that you are communicating with a legitimate entity and not falling victim to phishing scams, which can compromise your online security.


What are the consequences of using the same password for multiple accounts?

 If one account is compromised, all accounts with the same password become vulnerable. Using the same password for multiple accounts increases the risk of multiple security breaches.


Why is it important to keep your computer's operating system and software up to date for online safety?

Keeping your operating system and software up to date is important because updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities. By updating, you reduce the risk of being targeted by cyberattacks.