Simple Past
Simple Past (irregular)
"to be" Past
Prepositions of Place
SPEAK What is the structure? (Positive & Negative & Question)
Positive: Subject + past verb + object (I liked video games.) Negative: Subject + did + not + base verb + object (We did not go to school.) Question: Did + subject + verb? (Did you arrive on time?)
SPEAK. What is the structure? (Positive & Negative & Question)
Positive: Subject + past verb + object (I ran to school.) Negative: Subject + did + not + base verb + object (We did not go to school.) Question: Did + subject + verb? (Did you leave on time?)
SPEAK. What is the structure? (Positive & Negative & Question)
Positive: Subject + past "be" + object (I was happy.) Negative: Subject + past "be" + not + base verb + object (We were not there yesterday.) Question: Am/is/are + subject + adjective? (Are you here yet?)
SPEAK. Where do you put them in a sentence?
Before the object The ball is ON the box.
(to arrive) SPEAK I- ? You- ? He,She,It- ? We-? You all- ? They- ?
I arrived.... You arrived..... He,She,It arrived.... We arrived....... You all arrived....... They arrived.......
WRITE. Name some irregular verbs? (name 3)
run, go, leave, drive, fall, sleep, take
SPEAK. I- ? You- ? He,She,It- ? We-? You all- ? They- ?
I was.... You were...... He,She,It was...... We were...... You all were....... They were.......
WRITE Name 5 Prepositions
On, between, Behind, In front of, Under, Next to, In, Near, At, By, Above, In between, On
SPEAK When do you use Simple Past?
To talk about things in the past. Completed.
WRITE. What is the Past Tense of these Irregular Verbs? run, go, leave, drive, fall, sleep, take
run>ran, go>went, leave>left, drive>drove, fall>fell, sleep>slept, take>took
SPEAK. She ........... a good student. I ......... lost. The dog ............. hungry for dinner. The markers ............ out of ink. My class and I ............... at the museum two weeks ago.
She WAS a good student. I WAS lost. The dog WAS hungry for dinner. The markers WERE out of ink. My class and I WERE at the museum two weeks ago.
Correct: SPEAK. I walked on school. She slept bed at. We rans with her
I walked TO school. She slept IN bed. We RAN with her.
WRITE. What happened in the picture? Use Simple Past. (accident) (3 sentences)
The duck laughed. They walked. Goofy slipped.
Correct: WRITE I runs to the mall. We walkied to school You leaved yesterday.
I RAN to the mall. We WALKED to school. You LEFT yesterday.
Correct: WRITE. I were late yesterday: You was here. We tireed last night.
I WAS late yesterday. You WERE here. We WERE TIRED last night.
WRITE. Describe our classroom using Prepositions. (5 sentences)
Example: The posters are on the wall.
SPEAK. What did you do before coming to the United States? Use Simple Past. (5 sentences)
Example: I lived in Burkina Faso.
SPEAK. What did you do yesterday? Use Irregular Verbs. (5 sentences)
Example: I ran to the mall. I went shopping.
WRITE. Tell me about the picture. Use "To Be" Past. (5 sentences) (classroom)
The students were not studying. They were mean. The desk was broken.
SPEAK. Tell me about the pictures using Prepositions. (6 sentences) (cat+box)
Example: The cat is behind the box.