Past Tense
Present Tense
Future Tense

Fill in the blanks using past simple. 

We ___ (wake up) very late. We ______ (do not/change) trains at Victoria. 

We woke up very late. We did not change trains at Victoria.


Finish the sentences using present simple. 

I/not/think/you're right. He/drive to work every day. 

I do not think you're right. He drives to work every day.


Fill in the blanks using future simple. (will/not + verb) 

If she passes the exam, she ____ (be) very happy. The meeting _____ (take) place at 6pm. 

If she passes the exam, she will be very happy. The meeting will take place at 6pm. 


Fill in the blanks using the zero conditional. 

If I ____ (wake up) late, I ____ (be) late for work. 

If I wake up late, I am late for work.


Finish the sentence using past continuous (was/were + verb+ing)

You/cook/lunch while we/travel/to London at three o'clock. 

You were cooking lunch while we were travelling to London at three o'clock. 

Finish the sentences using present perfect. (has/have + verb + -ed)

You/not/study French for ten years. She/pass the exam?

You have not studied French for ten years. Has she passed the exam?


Fill in the blanks using the future perfect tense (will/not + have + past participle)

_______ (you/finish) the report by the deadline? I ______(leave) by six.

Will you have finished the report by the deadline? I will have left by six.


Fill in the blanks using the first conditional. (If + present simple, will + infinitive)

If I ____ (go) out tonight, I ____ (go) to the cinema. 

If I go out tonight, I will go to the cinema. 


Finish the sentence using past perfect. (had/hadn't + past participle) 

When I arrived at the cinema, the film _____ (start). The garden was dead because it _____ (be) dry all summer. 

When I arrived at the cinema, the film had started. The garden was dead because it had been dry all summer.


Finish the sentences using present continuous. (am/am not + verb + -ing)

I/study at the moment. We/not/go to the cinema tonight. 

I am studying at the moment. We are not going to the cinema tonight. 


Fill in the blanks using the future continuous tense. (will/shall be + present participle)

At three o'clock tomorrow, I ____ (work) in my office. At three o'clock tomorrow, you _____ (lie) on the beach.

At three o'clock tomorrow, I will be working in my office. At three o'clock tomorrow, you will be lying on the beach.


Fill in the blanks using the second conditional. (if + past simple, ... would + infinitive)

If I ____ (have) enough money, I ____ (buy) a big house. 

If I had enough money, I would buy a big house.


Finish the sentence using past perfect progresive. (had/hadn't + been + verb + ing)

I ____ (work) all day, so I didn't want to go out. We ____ (eat) all day, so we felt a bit ill. 

I had been working all day, so I didn't want to go out. We had been eating all day, so we felt a bit ill.


Finish the sentences using present perfect continuous. (have/has + been + verb + -ing)

She _____ (work) here for five years. They _____ (not/live) here for very long.

She has been working here for five years. They have not been living here for very long. 


Fill in the blanks using the future perfect continuous tense. (will/shall have been + present participle)

They _____ (study) all day, so they will want to rest in the evening. How long _____ (you/wait) when you finally get your exam results?

They will have been studying all day, so they will want to rest in the evening. How long will you have been waiting when you finally get your exam results?


Fill in the blanks using the third conditional. (if + past perfect, ... would have + past participle) 

If she ___ (study), she ___ (pass) the exam. 

If she had studied, she would have passed the exam. 


Fill in the blanks of this sentence using the correct verbs in past tense. 

I _____ (do not/drink) any soda last night. I was really tired because I ______ (study). 

I didn't drink any soda last night. I was really tired because I had been studying. 

Past simple and past perfect continuous


Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of present tense. 

She can't come to the phone right now because she _____ (study). They must be at the park now. They usually ____ (play) basketball on Fridays. 

She can't come to the phone right now because she is studying. They must be at the park now. They usually play basketball on Fridays.


Fill in the blanks using the correct form of future tenses.

The train _____ (leave) at 11:45. We _____ (have) dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we haven't booked the table yet. 

The train will leave at 11:45. We are having dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we haven't booked the table yet. 


Use the proper conditional form to fill in the blanks. 

If the children ____ (be) in bed, I ____ (be able to) have a bath. 

Second conditional

If the children were in bed, I would be able to have a bath.